This is Predaplant bystial. It is the base Predaplant engine ( incluing the fallen of albaz cards) with the bystial to provide the ablity to put card back into while getting a draw.
The main line go as this. summon predaplant Ambulomelides ( Amb, search predaplant bylisp it you don't have it in hand or haven't activated it this turn over wise get something else like Bufolicula if not in hand or not used (Buf), Drosophyllum Hydra if you need something to discard, or predaprime or predaplanting. then use Amb second effect to summon cobra, search branded fusion. activate it, send fallen + bystial lubellion, summon albion, use albion banish Amb and fallen for lubellion, use lubellion discarding byslip for mirror jade, using Amb and the albaz, use byslip and get Buf, use buf to fusion lubellion and cobra for dragostaplia, summon bystial lube, active branded regain. set anything you want to ( if your worried about nib hold your quick play fusion yes even super if need be. ) use ablion to set banishment.
That is the main combo.
few tips for the deck,
1. hydra effect in grave will banish a predaplant to reduce a monsters attack by 500. this will trigger regain allowing to shuffle and draw a card. it is a quick effect too.
2. use quick play fusion spell to dodge effect when needed. as such when ever you can place triantis, which can be use a fusion as if it on the feild in the scale, also allow buf to be use from there too.
3. this deck can chain block all effects but the second effect of amb, and the branded fusion. use this to use advantage. triantis counter placements can be deadly in this way.
4. triphoverutum hit real hard, and when using predaprime can use a dark on the other field making up for his big cost.