Using the power of dark fiends to summon from the extra deck and the graveyard!
I use this deck in master duel, got to plat 4 with it. (NOTE: This is still in the works as there are other cards I could use to improve the deck)
Soul Scissors is super fun but good for this deck when you pair it up with diabolical the two are just made for one another.
The normal traps can be changed around however I keep the fairwelcome to get a search set of the trap I need in the situation I am in.
Topologic Trishbaena combo: You want soul scissors in the grave to then summon it to a pointed link zone to wipe the board.
Zalamander Catalyzer + Labrynth Stovie Torbie is another good combo.
Ancient Forest + Gingerbread House = Lock (If SORL is on the field its even naster)
Morphing Jar #2 = Good for Kash locks, Towers, and more!
Mimikuril = Pray to the holy kuriboh you can get a monster to special summon (Mostly want a searcher to link off of)
Doomdog = Diabolica or Unchained Soul of Disaster (Search)
You can basically do a bit of combos but most cases I want to get into my link plays and pop or even banish monsters including spins.
As you could tell the extra deck dose need some work I could also change out a few cards here in there within the deck but overall I do not think it is all that bad.