Taking out the Dragoon package opens up other plays for PK Fire. Everything is still pretty standard. But here's the changes;
I've added in Isolde for extended plays. Living Fossil is in incase I draw D.D.R. Living Fossil is also an extender like Monster Reborn. But in this case it's better because of it's utility with Isolde.
I still think Artifact Scythe is heavily underrated. Preventing your opponent from using their Extra Deck for a turn can give you the game. Using Dagda is the best way of getting it out. Use Bardiche or Abomination to destroy it. Or even Twisters if you've sided them in.
After getting Scythe to the board, you can link off Dagda with I:P for Abomination or Talker.
I still like Abomination for the deck. A potential three card destruction per turn can put your opponent in check. They're going to want to destroy Abomination ASAP.
I dropped PK Wings. The most you'll see Fog Blade is two. Sending one copy of Fog Blade to the GY isn't going to hurt. I also replaced Wings with Brigandine. Easily brought to your hand with Boots for extra extension if needed.
I think everything else speaks for itself.