The recipe I used to get Plat 1. It's built more for best average results against the widest array of master duel decks, rather than peak power output from comboing. I've seen some builds that can end with more negates on board but get interrupted harder or sacrifice versatility against certain decks. Why yes, I have indeed cut a Maxx "C". I don't really believe in the card, as the opponent is likely to have 5-8 cards (3 ash, 2 called by, 3 crossout) that out Maxx"C" than you are to have Maxx "C", and so the real use for Maxx "C" is to bait out the opposing ash blossom when going second. Other than that it's more of a "win more" card for decks that get to combo off but then also have Maxx "C" in hand to punish the opponent for trying to break their board.
The Cherubini > Bardiche >Rhongo + Gossip shadow line is really only here for going first against 0 hand traps. The instant you get interrupted it's best to simply bail out into Requiem + Fog blade or Requiem + Wing to protect it from raigeki/lightning storms.
This recipe is also somewhat old, and the reason for 2 Droplet is that I simply didn't have a third at the time. Looking at this list now I'd likely cut the Nibiru for the 3rd copy of Droplet.
I can't really say anything other than it's a competent archetype with decent tools. The most important thing for climbing ranks in master duel is and always will be to simply be patient and actually read cards; both yours and your opponent's. Oh and to recognize the skill level of your opponent. If they try to ash a danger you can probably rely on them to also not read fog blade, or to sequence their moves wrong to create advantage for you.