Kashtira: an archetype hellbent on the number "7" has made a dayview in the competitive scene within days of its release. Already having surprising tops and even running the money at the most Recent YCS as of recording the gameplay (in Lyon, France). There is a lot of potential for many hybrid Kashtira builds, so I decided to make a (subtle, yet surprisingly not so terrible attempt) at using the smol birb engine (not Floowandereeze) to add a stack on this other LV7 birb that can negate anything during either players turn by returning itself to the hand (*cough* Mist Valley Apex Avian *cough*). And out the ten matches I played, I was able to get the big omni birb at least 7 times; but doesn't mean "Simorgh, Bird of perfection" went to waste however. As it was a perfect XYZ material piece for "Time Thief - Redoer" alongside "Kashtira Riseheart" (who is also LV4 btw).
Not to mention that Simorgh was helped that the odds of getting Simorgh increased tenfold with the unintentional Zeus fodder "Raidraptor - Arsenal Falcon": who simply can detach one material to SS any LV4 Winged-Beast (which means it can SS Simorgh, bird of Perfection); or can be triggered to SS from the hand on Arsenal Falcon's XYZ summon. All of this to search out "Elborz, the Sacred Lands of Simorgh": which helps making summoning Apex Avian easier in case "Kashtira Birth" was not present on the field, all for then to summon an additional Winged-Beast Monster.