If you start with one of the Z-ARC magicians then your more than likely fine, starting with Double Iris Magician and Time Pendulumgraph in your hand is great, along with pendulum call cause then you can search out two more Z-ARC Magicians. Preferably go for White Wing Magician and Purple Poison Magician so that you can summon Timestar Magician, or an alternative is Harmonizing Magician. What we are going for here is trying to maximize our way to get Z-ARC out right now, Timestar being summon after using Pendulum Call will basically mean it and your other "Magician" monsters cannot be destroyed by card effects until your opponents end phase. With Timestar out you can also send the materials you need to grave using it's effect if the opponent attempts to destroy your pendulum scales, so if you have Double Iris and Black Fang already send White Wing and Purple Poison and vice versa. Then next turn search out Astrograph/Chronograph and bring out Z-ARC, united we stand is in there so that you can equip it onto Z-ARC so he can't be destroyed in battle unless they destroy the equip spell or they gain Z-ARC's attack points, United We Stand gives Z-ARC an extra 800 points per face up monster on the field so start bringing out a bunch of preferably strong monsters so you can back him up without worry! I've been playing Supreme Kings since they came out and built the deck the way I like it.