2024-06-01 11:24:56
+ 1Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess+ 2Noh-P.U.N.K. Deer Note+ 3Ostinato+ 1Adamancipator Risen - Dragite+ 3Infinite Impermanence+ 1Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Sharakusai+ 3Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring+ 1Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon+ 1Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Rising Carp+ 3Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin+ 1Abyss Dweller+ 1Called by the Grave+ 1P.U.N.K. JAM Dragon Drive+ 1S:P Little Knight+ 1Melodious Concerto+ 1F.A. Dawn Dragster+ 1Joruri-P.U.N.K. Dangerous Gabu+ 1Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Amazing Dragon+ 1P.U.N.K. JAM Extreme Session+ 1Cross-Sheep+ 1Gagaku-P.U.N.K. Wa Gon+ 1Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon+ 3Noh-P.U.N.K. Foxy Tune+ 2Bacha the Melodious Maestra+ 1Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit+ 1Psychic End Punisher+ 3Refrain the Melodious Songstress+ 1I:P Masquerena+ 3Emergency Teleport+ 1Noh-P.U.N.K. Ogre Dance+ 1Joruri-P.U.N.K. Madame Spider+ 2Couplet the Melodious Songstress+ 3Droll & Lock Bird+ 3Effect Veiler
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