Basically just go with the normal punk combo and make galazy eyes to be nib proof and continue with the gold pride combo. The basic combo would go like this
Hand: E-Tely or any way to get to Ze Amin, and Captain Carrie
1. Use E-Tely and summon Ze Amin and search for Sharakusai. Normal Summon Sharakusai and fusion for rising Carp; activate rising carp and summon wa gon and deer note. Activate wa gon effect to search field spell and syncro for Dragon Drive.
2. Activate both Dragon Drive and Deer Note effects (order doesn't matter) and summon Carp and search madame spider. Get the free draw from the field spell and activate the field spell to summon madame spider (banish deer note).Search with madame spider for the trap, get free draw from field spell, and XYZ for Galazy Eyes.
3. Summon Carrie to search the trap and XYZ with madame spider for chariot carrie. Activate chariot to send roller baller and search the gold pride spell. Use spell to search Leon, summon him, and use his effect to special roller baller from grave.
4. Set both traps you searched and in the end phase activate chariot to shuffle itself to the deck and special carrie from deck or grave. On your opponents main phase activate leon to make star leon.
Importants Notes:
When starting combo, you can just go straight to Sharakusai with e-tely if you have a punk already in hand, when using chariot carrie's effect and you detach carrie dont use normal carrie's effect since it a waste of resources, and use leon revive effect after everything else in the combo as it locks you to only summoning gold pride extra deck monsters.