Something I cooked up in Master Duel and decided to bring to the TCG. A fun and casual deck that can be really big threat if you know how to play it well.
Explanation of Every Key Card Incoming - Warning, This One's Big
==The P.U.N.K. Engine==
Noh-P.U.N.K. Ze Amin
The searcher of the deck. Pay 600 LP to add any P.U.N.K. monster from your deck to your hand. The effect to gain ATK is very important when chain-blocking.
Gagaku-P.U.N.K Wa Gon
Here to get the field spell from your deck by paying 600 LP (yes this is beneficial, I'll get to that when covering the extra deck)
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Sharakusai
Lets you Fusion Summon on your turn by paying 600 LP or Synchro Summon on your opponent's by paying 600 LP. This is used to summon Rising Carp - which lets you combo further
Noh-P.U.N.K Deer Note
This is how you are able to make the level 8 Synchro monster. You do need another P.U.N.K monster in hand to activate its effect though, keep that in mind.
Noh-P.U.N.K Foxy Tune
Very important card. This is what gets you any of your level 3 P.U.N.K.s or Deer Note on the field without having to Normal Summon them. Very useful if you didn't draw Emergency Teleport.
Noh-P.U.N.K Ogre Dance
Basically Reinforcement of the Army but for P.U.N.K.
P.U.N.K. JAM Extreme Session
This is what allows you to draw more cards - up to 2 times per turn. VERY helpful for getting more P.U.N.K. cards or trying to get your Fur Hire engine. The effect to summon a P.U.N.K from your hand is a nice bonus too as it means you don't have to Normal Summon and you can save it for something else.
Emergency Teleport
Gets your level 3 P.U.N.K. monsters on the field. Beware of Ash Blossom.
==The Fur Hire Engine==
Beat, Bladesman Fur Hire
The monster searcher of Fur Hire. You can use its effect to summon any Fur Hire from hand and then use the other effect to search. Very powerful wehn combined with Rex, as it can be a chain block or be protected from As by Rex's effect.
Rex, Freight Fur Hire
Spell/Trap searcher of Fur Hire. The GY effect is important when combined with Donpa/Recon and Folgo as it allows you to interrupt your opponent's board while giving you another monster Fur Hire so you have 3 and can draw 3 from Folgo's effect.
Donpa, Marksman Fur Hire / Recon, Scout Fur Hire
These two do pretty much the same thing, but Donpa destroys face-up cards and Recon destroys face-down cards. Important with to use with Folgo.
Seal, Strategist Fur Hire
Lets you recycle your Fur Hire mosters from the GY to keep using.
Bravo, Fighter Fur Hire
Helpful for creating a very strong board of beefy Fur Hires - otherwise just another card in the combo
Filo, Messenger Fur Hire
Allows more recycling of Fur Hire monsters - this is Seal but better
Wiz, Sage Fur Hire
Gaining LP isn't that strong of an effect, but the negate is. Self explanatory.
Rafale, Champion Fur Hire
Pot of Prosperity for Fur Hire. The negate is a nice benefit too.
Reinforcement of the Army
For adding Beat to your hand and getting access to the Fur Hire engine.
Fossil Dig
For adding Rex to your hand.
Rookie Fur Hire
Allows you to go from the P.U.N.K engine into th Fur Hire engine, but you will not be able to summon Beat with this card, as you need to summon a monster with a level 1 higher or lower than that you tribute to activate it. Be careful in that this card locks you from attacking with anything that's not a Fur Hire monster for that turn.
Mayhem Fur Hire
Monster Reborn but for Fur Hire. Helpful with triggering Fur Hire effects on your opponent's turn (Try this with Folgo and Donpa/Recon)
==The Staples==
Pot of Prosperity
Lets you access more of your deck and therefore more parts of your combo - this will prevent you from drawing with the P.U.N.K. Field Spell though, so watch out for that and Ash, of course.
Called By the Grave
For stopping handtraps or GY effects. *Yes, Ash, I'm looking at you*
*I would put Reinforcement of the Army and Emergency Teleport here but they are only for one half of the deck each*
==The Extra Deck==
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Rising Carp
Lets you Special Summon any two P.U.N.K. monster from your deck that are not level 8. Very helpful if you can't get Deer Note to go into Dragon Drive.
Ukiyoe-P.U.N.K. Amazing Dragon
A boss monster for P.U.N.K. which you can use to return cards your opponent controls to the hand - this could possibly return their entire field if you are lucky. Also this is Monster Reborn for P.U.N.K. but you can't use both effects on the same turn.
P.U.N.K. JAM Dragon Drive
This can search any level 3 P.U.N.K. monster, or if you want to play Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit you can add that instead - all for the mere cost of 600 LP. Also can resummon itself from the GY if your opponent responds to your P.U.N.K card or effect activation. Very nice.
Folgo, Justice Fur Hire
Able to summon ANY Fur Hire monster from your deck, but it cannot have the same type as any of Folgo's materials. The best effect is the draw effect, which you can use by destroying a opponent's card on the field. If you do, then you can draw 1 if you don't have 3 or more Fur Hire monsters with different names on your field, but if you do, then its basically equivalent to winning the lottery - more cards equals more combopieces.
Donner, Dagger Fur Hire
Helps with the Fur Hire combo and summoning Folgo. You can tribute itself to summon 2 Fur Hire monsters back to the field from your GY or from your hand. You can even use it to destroy a monster your opponent controls and a Fur Hire monster you control, even itself.
Psychic End Punisher
You know how the P.U.N.K. engine WANTS you to pay LP? Yeah, this is why that's beneficial for you. If you Synchro Summon it, then it's unaffected by your opponent's activated effects (EVEN NEGATES) while your LP are lower than theirs. It even has a way to lower your LP to try and keep its protection - and that way helps get rid of your opponent's problematic cards, at the cost of a monster you control and 1000 LP. This is very hard to get rid of without a Kaiju, Lava Golem, Sphere Mode, any other sort of tribute removal, or a floodgate. (Skill Drain will be your biggest threat here)
Clear Wing Synchro Dragon
Literally a Negate for level 5 or higher monsters on the field or to negate an effect that targets a level 5 or higher monster on the field. Can become a beefy beatstick but only use if neccessary.
Coral Dragon
A way to destroy your opponent's board and can draw you a card if it is sent from the field to the GY. Will rarely help you with combo plays - use at your own risk.
Metaphys Horus
A permanent negate for a face-up card on the field (because you're using an effect monster to Synchro Summon it). Will rarely help you with combo plays, but can save you in a pinch if you need a perma-negate
Stardust Charge Warrior
Coral Dragon, but draws a card on summon and can beat over a board by battle (if rarely) - Will rarely help you with combo plays but can help if you need more cards in your hand.
Naturia Beast
Unlimited Spell Negates. You need to use a P.U.N.K. tuner and Rex to summon this - that is the only way to summon it in this deck, but it can help with combo plays if needed. VERY powerful against decks that like to use lots of spells - e.g. Spright, Rikka Sunavalon, Branded Despia (Sometimes), Dragon Link, Kashtira (A little bit risky), and ESPECIALLY Runick and Sky Strikers.
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
Literally the easiest board wipe of all time. Make in Main Phase 2 using Downerd OR Fortune Tune and boom, you have an on-demand nuke.
Downerd Magician
Lets you get more materials for Zeus and you can Xyz Summon it on top of Fortune Tune.
Number 49: Fortune Tune
Lets you recycle your P.U.N.K. monsters or Beat to keep using. Also can act as a temporary wall as a last resort.
Last but not Least, the BEST waifu in this game
I:P Masqurena
Very easy to summon - you need any two non-link monsters. She makes it so any Link monster that used her as material cannot be destroyed by card effects. This effect is permanent, even if your opponent uses Called by the Grave on I:P, the protection is still applied. On top of that, you can Link Summon on your opponent's turn with her Quick Effect, letting you make Folgo on your opponent's turn.
I won't go over the side deck, as the cards are pretty self-explanatory.
If you're still here after reading all that, thank you! It means a lot to me and shows that my hard work is worth the time and effort I put into these decks. I'll post another cool and unique deck when ever I get inspiration, or you can leave a suggestion in the comments.
CrankyBoy <3
(edit) Thank you so much for the Detailed Deck Primer, everyone, it really shows you appreciate this!