I decided to revise one of my favorite decks and see what kind of silly tech I could incorporate this time.
Please note that this probably isn't even the most viable strategy (I think P.U.N.K. Ursartic is probably better if you seriously want to play this deck), but I'll see what I can do to improve it.
Your main lines involve getting to Ursarctic Polari (or Ursarctic Polar Star and Ursarctic Big Dipper at the same time, which is far better) to go into either the Ursarctic Synchro Monsters or a Level 9 (like Shenshen).You can also go into P.U.N.K. plays to access Adamancipator Risen - Dragite or even go for a play with Ultimaya Tzolkin to go into Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon (if you have any Spells or Traps).
The main little gimmicks I've included here are the small Ice Barrier engine with Lancea, which is coming out in Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge this June, and Ocean Dragon Lord - Kairyu-Shin. The former provides great disruption once it's destroyed by going into Trishula, Zero Dragon of the Ice Barrier (which in turn can go into Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier) and floodgates in the form of General Raiho of the Ice Barrier and Medium of the Ice Barrier.The latter is a floodgate searchable with Atlantean Dragoons, which is really good in this format. I will say it's much harder to bring it out without Icejade Tremora, and you can replace it with any other Sea Serpent monster that might be better here (not that I know of any...).
That's all! Have fun!