2025-01-23 07:12:29
+ 3Limit Reverse+ 3Magic Planter+ 3Des Lacooda+ 2Medusa Worm+ 1Mystical Space Typhoon+ 1Goyo Guardian+ 3Swarm of Scarabs+ 1Colossal Fighter+ 1Ancient Fairy Dragon+ 1Ally of Justice Catastor+ 1Armory Arm+ 3Needle Ceiling+ 1Solemn Judgment+ 3Swarm of Locusts+ 1Mirror Force+ 3Stardust Dragon+ 3Fiendish Chain+ 1Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier+ 3Golem Sentry+ 2Starlight Road+ 3Dimensional Prison+ 1Thought Ruler Archfiend+ 1Red Dragon Archfiend+ 1Black Rose Dragon+ 2Chimeratech Fortress Dragon+ 1X-Saber Urbellum+ 2Ultimate Offering+ 1Call of the Haunted+ 3Scrap-Iron Scarecrow
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