Needlefiber + Tier X deck ... you probably know the drill. Turbo out your Crystron Halqifibrax combo off and make a board that your opponent will definitely not like. The Cyber and small Orcust engine synergies very well with the idea to pump many cards in your GY and benefit from it. Additional to the normal end board with something like Borreload Savage Dragon and Herald of the Arc Light you can bring out Cyber Dragon Infinity and Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star. Cyber Dragon Nachster can be a really nice extender but be aware of the timing when you play him because you can lock yourself out of your remaining combo.
For the Jet Synchron / Crystron Halqifibrax combos i recommend to watch one of the million tutorial guides on YouTube. They are easy once you have done them yourself but a written guide only for this combo would probably be too much for this little text box here.
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