Onomat Utopic
Deck Primer
Main Deck.
The Onomat Trio: Utopic Onomatopoeia x2, Zubababancho Gagagacoat, and Dodododwarf Gogogoglove. These 3 cards are the main cards of the deck. If you can get 2 of these on board, you get a rank 4. If you get 2 of these on board and any other lvl 4, you can get 2 rank 4s. Zubababancho Gagagacoat can revive any Gogogo or Dododo in your graveyard, and Dodododwarf Gogogoglove can revive itself if you have another Gogogo/Dododo on your field. This means that you can cycle these level 4s every turn, mid combo, and when trying to rebuild a broken board.
The ZS's: ZS - Ascended Sage x2, ZS Armed Sage x2. These 2 ZS's allow for you to get free special summons and free cards. Ascended sage allows you to summon itself when you have no cards on field, and Armed sage when you have only 1 monster. But be very careful. If you activate a card like Onomatopickup, a continuous spell (I'll get to it in a minute,) You can't special summon Ascended Sage. But you can still normal it. And now take that same situation, you activate Pickup, then summon a lvl 4. Armed sage says "The only monster you control is a lvl 4 or lower" So even if you have a spell/trap on the field, it can be summoned.
Astral Cards: Astral Kuriboh x2 and Astraltopia x2 These 2 monsters are also free special summons, but with a few more restrictions. Astral Kuriboh allows you to reveal any Number in the extra deck, and summon it. Then its level is equal to it's rank. But guess what? It can be any level. While in Utopic, the only level you want to have it be is level 4, if you splash it into any other deck that plays numbers, you have a free summon of any level you need. When it is summoned, be careful. Because it Locks you into numbers while it's on the field. As soon it's used for an Xyz though, that lock goes away. In addition to being a free summon of any level, the monster you summon with Astral Kuriboh can't be destroyed by battle or card effect. So you can wall up with this card in a pinch. And Astraltopia, the better card. "If an Xyz monsters(s) is on the field: You can special summon this card from your hand." Notice how this is the Field, not your side of the field. In addition of that effect, it can send 1 card from the hand or field (which you have numerus targets to send, and yes, pun intended) to add one Xyz, Onomat, Zexal, or Number S/t from the deck to the hand. This means that if you go 2nd, you can summon this if the opponent has an xyz, possibly bait out a negate, and keep your normal summon. If not, you can still search MANY cards. As I go through the list, I'll point out the cards to search.
Onomat Spells: Onomatopaira x3, Onomatopickup x3. Onomatopaira allows you to discard 1, add any 2 cards from the Dododo/Gogogo/Gagaga/Zubaba archetype to the hand. This is probably one of the best searchers in all of yugioh. Most of the time, if you have a card from the Onomat trio in your hand, you search the other 2 cards in it and go full combo. If you don't you search Utopic Onomatopoeia (since it's treated as all of those cards) and Zubababancho Gagagacoat. You then normal summon the Utopic Onomat, and summon Bancho. If it's negated with a veiler or impermanence, you can use Bancho's effect in hand to summon it. If it's destroyed by a ghost ogre and snow rabbit, then you still summon Bancho, then revive Utopic Onomat. If it's negated AND destroyed, tough luck. And remember what I said about Paira being the best searcher? Onomatopickup is even better. In your starting hand, if you draw Zubababancho Gagagacoat and Dodododward Gogogoglove, but no Utopic Onomat, then you can use Pickup to search just that. No Discards. Side Note: These two cards are great search targets off of Astraltopia if you haven't normal summoned.
Reinforcement of the Army: Add any lvl 4 or lower warrior. It's a great searcher, and the only 2 targets we can't add are Dodododwarf Gogogoglove and Astral Kuriboh.
Zexal Construction x3: This card is amazing as well. (I've said that about 4 cards now I think.) It allows you to shuffle one of your garnets into the deck, or a useless card. Then you can add one of 5 archetypes, even though we aren't playing any Rank-Down-Magic cards. I'll also show you the garnets that you'll want to shuffle back with this.
Zexal Entrust x1: This card is mostly a search target for niche things. It's a great extender allowing you to summon a ZS from the gy, or a ZW if you want to buff your Xyz a little more. Summon a Utopia is only useful for one situation, which can only happen if you misplay in a BIG way. It also has a gy effect! If you're 2000 lp lower than your opponent, you can add another Zexal card from the gy to the hand. Our only target is Construction, but it is really good. Side Note: Great target to search with Construction & Astraltopia.
Hyper Rank-Up-Magic Utopiforce x1: Yes, that's the name. This card is searchable off of Construction and ZS Ascended Sage. This allows you to go into a 4 material Dragonar (Which I'll get to in a minute.) And when you summon an Xyz with a Utopia/Utopics effect, you get to attach this card to it as material. One of the best Rank-Up-Magic cards out there.
Numbers Protect x1: It's an Omni negate that is also a counter trap. It's searchable off of Astraltopia, and it has a gy effect to bring itself back. Need I say more?
Xyz Change Tactics x2: Pay 500 every Xyz summon of a Utopia, draw 1. No Once per turn. This card can be searched off of Astraltopia, and is a great way to set up for next turn.
Double or nothing x2: This is only useful for Utopia Double into Utopia for 10k damage, but otherwise, just a search target so Utopia Double can rank itself up.
The ZW's: Tornado Bringer, Lightning Blade, Pegasus Twin Saber x1. These can be searched by Construction, and by Armed Sage. Tornado bringer allows you to equip it to a Utopia, and it gets 1300 atk with the ability to not be targeted. Lightning Blade gives it 1200 attack, and ZW's can't be destroyed. Pegasus Twin Saber can equip from the Field (keep that in mind) and give it 1000 attack. Pegasus has the additional effect to negate any monster effect that activates on the field. This can ignore chain blocking, and they can't respond to it since it doesn't activate. The only problem with this is that you have to either equip it from deck, or summon it. And it's a level 5 monster. It does have a way to summon itself though! If you're lp are 2000 lower than your opponents, you can summon it for free. This can be done with Xyz Change tactics, summon 4 Utopics. Which is actually really easy with the right hand.
Tech Cards: Called By the grave x1, Feather Duster x1, Monster Reborn x1: Called by the grave is a way to protect yourself from HT, since an ash blossom on a Paira will devastate you, essentially ending the turn. It's also a negate for GY decks. Feather duster for backrow, since the only other card we have is Tornado Dragon, meaning that a mystic mine when you don't have tornado is an FTK. it's also good for generic Backrow decks, like Eldlich (With 3 Skill Drain might I add) and Guru. Lastly, Reborn. The most common level in the game is level 4, and any level 4 and a reborn means you can go off from there. You can reborn one of your cards, one of your opponents, it's great.
Forbidden Droplet x2: This is a tech card, but it needs its own category. Utopia decks have a lot of cards that get used once and that's it. For example, you go full combo with an Xyz Change Tactics, you have Droplet. After going for a full combo, you'll only have a few Utopias left to summon, making Tactics a great target to send. Then you have the ZWs, good cards, but a Tornado Bringer isn't good against a deck that doesn't target. And you still have Onomatopickup, which has an on field effect only good for Tag Duels and if you summon a ZW. And the last card, Double Or Nothing, is useless after full combo. Since we're only playing 1 Number 39: Utopia, and full combo uses it for Dragonar, you can't use the Double or nothing in hand anymore.
HT: Ash Blossom x3, Infinite Impermanence x3: Ash is great, Impermanence is great. You can replace these with the HT of your choice, but my personal choice are these.
Extra Deck: Number 99: Utopia Dragonar x2. This is insane. Not just for Utopia, but for all number decks. When you do your combo, this has 4 materials. And it can use 2 materials to summon any 1 number that has a number between 1 and 100 in the text (So no, you can't make a iC1000 FTK deck.) as a quick effect. This means you can summon a card during your turn, then on the opponents. Targets for this include: Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon, Number 38 hope Harbinger, Number 23, Lancelot, Dark Knight of the Underworld, Number 100; Numeron Dragon. I'll go over these cards seperately.
Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon. For the millionth time, this card is insane. During the ep, detatch one, banish all cards your opponent controls that have been summoned or set this turn. Including s/t cards. If the opponent can't go through 3 negates, you can use this to kick them while they're down, and banish their floodgates, their traps, their Droplets. And if your opponent has a monster with high attack, and they have low lp, you can crash this into that monster and they take the damage. And on top of that, if it's destroyed by a card effect while it has xyz Material, which will almost never happen, it gets 1000 attack for every card that is banished. And if you're against a Swordsoul deck, or a Gren Maju deck that banished 3x Gren Maju, then you'll have just a few attack points to attack for lethal over the opponents 30k attack Gren Maju.
Number 38: Hope Harbinger. It's a spell negate, it's can attach a spell as Material. Great against Sky Striker decks, or any deck that use a lot of spells. And in a Mirror, you can attach an opponents Hyper Rank up Magic.
Number 23: Lancelot. This is a weird card. The first two effects it has are useless, so forget about those. This card is an omni negate. Nothing else to say about that. But it's a mandatory negate. If you activate a card while it still has materials, you will be negating yourself. So be extra careful.
Numeron Dragon. This card needs no introduction. Detach one, gain a million atk. When summoning off of a Dragonar, this will have a minimum of 13000 attack. Compare that to Draglubion, making it 9k. Still a lot, but it almost never will OTK when the opponent is at 8k.
Leo Utopia Ray. It can detatch one, equip a ZW from the deck to itself. This allows it to become two negates. The first, by its own effect, being able to target a card on the field and negate and half its attack permanently. The 2nd negate is Pegasus Twin Saber, which we talked about earlier. You will only be getting the Pegasus twin saber, since you'll only have 1 material for it. If you drew the Pegasus twin saber, or are worried about targeted removal, get Tornado bringer.
Utopia Double x2; This card allows us to rank up into any Utopic monster in the extra deck. If we only have 2 level 4s, Utopia double into Leo will be good. For an OTK strategy, you can either go for Utopia Double into a Utopia for the classic 10k, or after the main combo, or if Hyper Rank up Magic is in the gy, you can Utopia double into a Dragonar, summoning a Numeron Dragon for 13k.
Number 39: Utopia. It allows us to go for a Dragonar, and OTK with a 10k beater.
Number S39: Utopia Prime. The Effect miiiggght be used, but almost never. The only other use is Dragonar, giving it another material. You can replace this with C39: Utopia Ray.
Tornado Dragon. This allows us to get 1. a Non-number rank 4 onto the field (you'll see why) and some free s/t removal.
ZS - Utopic Sage. This allows us to summon a ZS to the field, and in extension, add any Rank up magic or ZW to hand It's also the 2nd non number rank 4. Why would we need non number rank 4s?
Utopic Future & Utopic Future Draco. These cards can be built into the main combo. Utopic Future allows us to steal a monster the opponent controls for the battle phase, and Future Draco is a monster negate and it's able to take control of a negated monster effect if it's on the field.
Side Deck: You can do anything for it, but my personal choice is to have a Number 89 in there, along with ht and Mystic Mine hate.
Number 89: Diablosis the Mind Hacker. Its good for decks that rely on one card in their extra deck that they only have one of. Also FTK decks, but that's a niche use.
Nibiru: Going 2nd tool against ss decks.
Gameciel: Good against tower decks, could possibly replace this with Evenly.
Lancea: Good for banish decks like Swordsoul.
Token Collector: Good against Swordsoul and Brave Token decks.
Droll & Lock Birb: Good for decks that search the entire deck.
The Mystic Mine hate: This deck is mostly for casual, but is still good for meta play. And before you ask, Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell is a card I chose to put in there on purpose.
The Combos.
Ascended Sage Combo: End board = Leo Utopia Ray, Pegasus twin saber, Dragonar, Lancelot, and a Hear-eartH/Number 38 on the opponents turn.
Starting hand must include: A way to get to any of the 2 Onomat trio + ZS Ascended sage.
Summon Ascended Sage.
Summon the 2 Onomat Trio.
If the two cards are:
Utopic Onomatopoeia & Dodododwarf: Use Dodododwarf + ZS Ascended Sage for a Utopia Double. Use double, add Rank Up Magic Utopiforce, use Double again, detach Dodododwarf, go into a Leo. Use Dwarf effect in the GY, summon it back.
Utopic Onomatopoeia & Zubababancho: Use Onomatopoeia + ZS Ascended Sage for a Utopia Double. Use double, add Rank Up Magic Utopiforce, use Double again, detach Onomatopoeia, go into a Leo. Use Coat effect, summon the Onomatopoeia back.
Dodododwarf & Zubababancho: Use Dodododwarf + ZS Ascended Sage for a Utopia Double. Use double, add Rank Up Magic Utopiforce, use Double again, detach Dodododwarf, go into a Leo. Use Coat effect, summon the Dwarf back.
Use the 2 level 4s to go into a Utopia, use Utopia to go into Utopia Prime, then use Utopiforce to go into Dragonar. Before using Dragonar, use Leos effect to equip Pegasus twin saber to it as material. Now use Dragonar, summon the Number 23, Lancelot. Use Utopiforce in gy to attach itself as material. During the opponents turn, wait until they activate something and Lancelot negates to use Dragonar. Summon Number 38, or Heart-eartH dragon during the ep, depending on what deck you think they have.
Main Combo: This one's a doozy. End board: Leo Utopia Ray, Pegasus Twin Saber, Dragonar with 2 materials, and Utopic Draco Future.
Starting hand: A way to get to all 3 of the Onomat Trio.
Summon Utopic Onomat, use the effect, summon Dwarf and coat from your hand.
Use Utopic Onomat & Dwarf to go into ZS - Utopic Sage.
Use Sage effect, summon ZS - Ascended Sage.
Use Coat effect, summon Utopic Onomat.
Use Dwarf effect in gy, ss itself.
Use any of the onomat cards and Ascended Sage, go into Number 39: Utopia.
Use Effect, add Utopiforce.
Go into Utopia Prime.
Use Utopiforce, summon Dragonar.
Use Dragonar, summon Leo.
Use Utopiforce in gy: Attach to Leo.
Use the other 2 level 4s on the field, go into Tornado Dragon.
Use tornado dragon + Utopic Sage. Go into F0 Utopic Future. Then go into F0 Utopic Future Draco.
Use Leo, equip Pegasus Twin Saber.
This gets you 3 monster negates, and then either an Omni Negate, a Spell negate that you can do multiple times during the duel, and then a Heart-eartH dragon at the end phase.
Small Side note for main combo: If you have a way to get all 3 of the Onomat trio + Astraltopia, you can go even further beyond.
You do the main combo, but when you get to the part where you summon Utopic Sage, instead summon Utopia Double.
Then use Double to go into leo, use leo to make sure you still have the two Onomats in the grave.
Then summon them back with Coat and the gy effect of Dwarf, then summon Utopic Sage now.
Use sage, summon Ascended sage, then do the Dragonar line with Utopia, Utopia Prime, and Utopiforce.
Before activating Dragonar though, summon the Astraltopia, and use the effect sending the Double or nothing searched by utopia Double to add Zexal Entrust.
Now use Dragonar, and make sure to detatch ZS - Ascended Sage, and go for a number 38. Activate Entrust, bring back the Ascended Sage, and go for Tornado, and then Utopic Future into Utopic Draco Future.
If you discard a ZS when getting to the 3 Onomat cards, by means of Onomatopaira, you wait to use dragonar, then use entrust to summon the discarded ZS, and you make Future Draco. Then summon Lancelot off of Dragonar.
Thank you for going through the guide and dedicating a good 2-3 hours into reading, and good luck, have fun!
(Last side note, I swear. This deck is completely legal in Master Duel, so consider using this if you're willing to spend a few hundred more!)
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