This is a 60-card Deck I'm using and testing in ranked matches, aiming to reach master rank with it.
Surprisingly, it's consistent and plays against various meta decks, besides having several lines of play.
Quick guide:
The most common line, starting after Stratos searches Faris or some discard, is: Faris combo discarding a hero (preferably Denier or Malicious) -> increase -> Vyon -> Vyon discarding always a D-Hero (Malicious or Denier) -> search for Polymerization -> summon Cross Crusader using Vyon and Increase -> resurrect a D-Hero -> Search for Liquid Soldier -> Use Stratos and Cross Crusader to summon Infernal Devicer -> search for Neos -> fuse liquid + Neos -> New Wingman -> search for Favorite Contact -> activate Wingman's effect -> summon Sunrise -> search for Miracle Fusion -> use Malicious' effect in the GY -> Malicious + Infernal Devicer to summon Wonder Driver -> Denier's effect in the GY -> summon under Wonder Driver -> search for Polymerization from the GY -> Denier's effect putting Dark Angel on top of the deck -> fuse Sunrise + Denier summoning DPE -> use Miracle Fusion fusing Liquid Soldier with some fusion to summon Wake Up -> use DPE's effect on Wake Up -> activate effects in the GY -> summon Shadow Mist -> search for Mask Change -> set Mask Change and Favorite Contact face-down -> use Dark Angel's effect (pulled thanks to Liquid Soldier) and end the turn.
In this standard combo, you can get 2 floodgates (Dark Angel + Dark Law) and several pops (DPE + Shining Neos Wingman) on the opponent's turn.
However, in this 60-card version, there's a consistent way to bring Cosmo Neos as well, requiring a Faris and Stratos, or Faris and Shadow Mist.
Combo: Stratos searches Shadow Mist -> Faris discards Shadow Mist -> fetches Neos -> Faris's standard combo -> summon Vyon -> send Malicious to the GY -> use Vyon and Increase to summon Cross Crusader -> search for Liquid Soldier -> Stratos + Cross Crusader to summon Wonder Driver -> Fuse Neos + Liquid for New Wingman -> search for Favorite Contact -> use Liquid Soldier's effect to draw cards -> summon Sunrise under Wonder Driver -> search Polymer from the GY -> search Miracle Fusion from the deck -> activate Malicious's effect in the graveyard -> fuse Sunrise + Malicious for DPE -> use Miracle Fusion fusing a Hero and any fusion -> Summon Wake Up -> DPE destroys Wake Up -> Activate effect in the graveyard -> summon Spirit of Neos -> search for Neos Fusion -> use Spirit of Neos + Wonder Driver -> Infernal Devicer -> search for Grand Mole + Dark Panther (choosing Nebula Neos) -> activate Neos Fusion -> summon Aqua Neos using Neos and Aqua Dolphin -> activate Aqua Neos's effect -> set Favorite Contact face-down and end the turn -> during the opponent's turn, during DPE's pre-effect, activate Favorite Contact and summon Cosmo Neos for a turn skip.