This deck allows you to stop your opponent from summoning monsters to the Main Monster Zones. This is a going first deck that relies on your Spell Card effects such as Ojama Country to keep your opponent from attacking. there is also Triple Ojama Trio and Ojama Duo in the deck to stop your Opponent from summoning on their first turn. There are three ways to winning with this deck.
- Deck Out. this deck is a slow deck that ramps up the more you get into your deck, so use cards like Ojama Pajama to search your deck for certain cards, as well as Ojama Blue's effect on battle destruction, for the Ojama Blue Effect to be possible without your opponent using their own monsters, simply give your opponent a Token with the Ojama Duo or Ojama Trio along with Ojama Country being on the field, Thus they can use the Token to Destroy Blue and allow you to search. note the Polymerization Cards are not searchable, i have tried this deck with Verte but you do find yourself locked into only certain types of monsters when using Obedience Schooled so be careful of that. but Obedience Schooled can be coupled with any Ojama Monster to Allow you to Summon two Number 64: Ronin Raccoons to protect yourself from being attacked. since Ronin Raccoon can not be destroyed by battle or card effect when another Beast monster is on the field, two Raccoons on the field will protect you from being destroyed by lightening storm or any destruction, but do note, they can still be targeted for none destruction effects to keep a watch out for those, plus with the Token Generation from the Raccoons the Tri-Bridge monsters are easy summons, just not on the same turn as when Obedience was activated.
- Classic life point hits, while this deck offers nothing in negation, outside of stopping your opponent from summoning monsters, there is plenty of disruptions in the deck, such as the before mentioned Monster summoning disruption, but if you find yourself with the Three Ojama Brothers (Yellow, Black and Green) a Ojama Red and Ojama Delta Hurricane you can blow your opponent's entire field away, leaving them open for a straight on attack if you have Ojama Country on the field, if they are below 4000 life points you will win the duel. you can also speed up this progress with cards such as Ojama Party, Ojamagic, Ojama Blue, Ojama Pink, Ojama Country, and Ojama Duo's second Effect to search out the needed cards, and this can all happen while you complete Win Scenario 1.
- Burn Damage?! I know what your thinking, "An Ojama Burn Deck? Really?" and Yes its true, this deck has the Potential to burn your opponent's life points away, While you are trying to do either of the before 2 Win Scenarios, you will end up with Ojama Tokens on your Opponent's field. a little known fact about these tokens are, they deal 300 damage when they leave the field, i know not much, but surprisingly these cards can actually be recyclable too, may i introduce to you, Necroface, a Level 4 Zombie Effect Monster, with the effect to return Banished cards to the deck and gain attack points for it when it is normal summoned. while this card is annoying on your side of the field, you can simply link it away for Verte after you summon it, but do be careful, Necroface's effect is a double edged sword returning your opponent's banished cards to the deck as well, so Necroface works against Tri-Bridge Omen, and the first Win Scenario of Decking out your Opponent but, with your opponent having a full field of tokens and you either having Ojama Delta Hurricane or five monsters to attack over them, you can deal a minimum of 1,500 life point damage to your opponent. not much right? well look at it like this, in general you have Three Copies of Ojama Duo and Ojama Trio in the deck, that's a potential of 4,500 life point Damage, but if you use the second effect of Ojama Duo to banish them to summon two Ojama Monsters with different names to your field, you can abuse Necroface's effect to recycle the three of them granting you a potential of at least 1,800 more adding up to 6,300, and do not worry about decking yourself out either, because Melffy Hide and Seek allows you to reshuffle 3 Beast monsters from your graveyard with different names to your deck and allows you to draw a card as well. Adding another Necroface to your deck from the side deck is your own choice, but this Win Scenario is the most unlikely and requires the most set up, which allows for more chances to mess up with the setup for it and the more potential to lose the duel.
So those are the three win Scenarios for the deck, the easiest would probably be the Deck out Scenario, but the Attacking Scenario is a close second while the Burn Scenario does have the most setup, needing to go into the side deck for more copies of Necroface or Melffy Hide and Seeks, which isnt a bad thing, because game one you can employ either of the other two win Scenarios to get game. the deck is actually pretty strong if you use it correctly,but just remember the weaknesses of the targeting none destruction removal.