The key elements, created by OCG Structures Manga creators, functions around LIGHT and/or DARK Warrior and Dragon monsters that involves mainly Fusion Summoning 1 of your ace monsters: Gaia the Dragon Champion. The other key component to this decks theme: Summoning "Black Luster Soldier" (Effect Monster) by using "Heaven and the Earth" to mill out any LIGHT and/or DARK monster to setup its summon to the banish them for its requirement. The goal of this deck is to OTK with "Magical Knight of Dragons" for the win. It also has synergy with "Red Resonator" which can grant you access to "Muddy Dragon" so you can summon "Dark Magician the Knight of Dragon Magic" to further your OTK during battle damage. This deck is similar and also mirrors the same ratio that was used for "Vortex of Magic":
2 Gaia = 2 Dark Magician
2 Lightpulsar = 2 Impcan
1 Darkness Metal = 1 Candoll
2 Soldier Gaia = 2 Dark Illusion
2 BLS - Envoy of the Beginning = 2 Magician of Chaos
1 Lord Gaia = 1 Dark Magician Girl (or Mahad if you dont play her but you need her for both Combination and Salvation so dont use him)
3 Magical Knight = 3 Magicians' Souls
3 Cursed Dragon = 3 Rod
1 Dragonfire = 1 Timaeus
3 Artillery Catapult = 3 Illusion of Chaos
3/2 Red Resonator = 3/2 Preparation of Rites
1/2 Keeper = 1/2 PRE-Preparation of Rites or Fusion Recovery (for a fusion engine, also 2 Keeper and 2 Resonators was also optional for any type of balance, if you didnt like 3 Resonator and 1 Keeper)
2 Seven Stars = 2 Spellbook of Knowledge, Wonder Wand, or Allure of Darkness
1 Spiral Spear Strike = 1 Piercing the Darkness
3 Spiral Fusion = 3 Secrets of Dark Magic
2 Heaven and the Earth = 2 Dark Magical Circle
3 Galloping Gaia = 3 Soul Servant
2 Gateway = 2 Salvation
1 Dragon's Mirror = Chaos Form, Polymerization, or Magicalized (if you drop the Ritual engine and add in some Fusion engines)
1 Reborn = 1 Eternal
1 Discharge = 1 Combination
Other than that, this deck is fun and very decent to play with and/or against. Enjoy!