Spright was the best deck in the OCG 2022.04 format, but has since been dethroned by Ishizu Tearlaments at the end of the format, and then received two waves of hits by the Limit Regulations that follows.
Spright initial end board consist of Toadally Awesome, which became forbidden in the OCG 2022.07 Limit Regulation. Then Spright pivoted over to Union Carrier to equip Dragon Buster Destruction Sword, which became forbidden in the OCG 2022.10 Limit Regulation. With the weakening of Tearlaments in OCG 2023.01, Spright could spring back to the top of the competitive scene.
Artifact Dagda is Spright latest weapon of choice. Artifact Dagda effect would set Artifact Scythe from deck to the field , then during the opponent’s turn, I:P Masquerena effect would Link Summon Sky Striker Ace – Azalea. Upon being Special Summoned, Sky Striker Ace – Azalea effect would destroy Artifact Scythe, which would then Special Summon itself from graveyard and then deny the opponent from Special Summoning monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of this turn.
Of course the Scythe lock is only useful against decks that rely on Special Summoning from the Extra Deck. Against decks such as Labrynth, I:P Masquerena effect would be used to Link Summon Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax or Topologic Zeroboros instead.
Using Cyber-Stein effect to Special Summon Naturia Exterio is also an end board option. Cyber-Stein could be searched out by using Spright Sprind to send from deck to the graveyard, and then using Spright Elf Special Summon from the graveyard. However, Cyber-Stein effect has to be activated before playing Gigantic Spright or Spright Starter as they would prevent Naturia Exterio, a Level 10 Fusion Monster, from being Special Summoned.