2025-01-08 13:15:41
+ 1Instant Fusion+ 1Garura, Wings of Resonant Life+ 2Meizen the Battle Ninja+ 2Yaguramaru the Armor Ninja+ 1Green Ninja+ 2Evenly Matched+ 1Armor Ninjitsu Art of Alchemy+ 1Sol and Luna+ 1Kagero the Cannon Ninja+ 1Earth Armor Ninja+ 1Hidden Village of Ninjitsu Arts+ 1S:P Little Knight+ 3Kumongous, the Sticky String Kaiju+ 3Tobari the Sky Ninja+ 2Ninjitsu Art Tool - Iron Digger+ 1Ceasefire+ 1Gadarla, the Mystery Dust Kaiju+ 2Ninja Grandmaster Saizo+ 1Starving Venom Fusion Dragon+ 2Super Polymerization+ 1Ninjitsu Art of Duplication+ 1Mudragon of the Swamp+ 3Mitsu the Insect Ninja+ 2Ninjitsu Art of Dancing Leaves+ 1Moon of the Closed Heaven+ 1Cosmic Tree Irmistil+ 1Twilight Ninja Getsuga, the Shogun+ 1Twilight Ninja Jogen+ 1Borrelsword Dragon+ 1Senior Silver Ninja+ 1Ultimate Great Insect+ 1Jioh the Gravity Ninja+ 2Droll & Lock Bird+ 1Baku the Beast Ninja+ 3Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo+ 3Ninjitsu Art Notebook of Mystery+ 1Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
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