2025-02-27 10:29:23
+ 2Book of Life+ 1One for One+ 3Mayakashi Return+ 1Yuki-Onna, the Absolute Zero Mayakashi+ 3Delta of Invitation+ 1Yoko, the Graceful Mayakashi+ 1Tengu, the Winged Mayakashi+ 3Infinite Impermanence+ 3Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring+ 1Called by the Grave+ 1Shiranui Swordsaga+ 1S:P Little Knight+ 1Oboro-Guruma, the Wheeled Mayakashi+ 1Shiranui Spectralsword+ 1Vampire Sucker+ 1Gashadokuro, the Skeletal Mayakashi+ 1Shiranui Squire+ 2Hajun, the Winged Mayakashi+ 2Dakki, the Graceful Mayakashi+ 2Wandering Titan of Tartarus+ 1Alghoul Mazera+ 2Gozuki+ 1Shiranui Squiresaga+ 1Shiranui Samuraisaga+ 1Shiranui Sunsaga+ 2Yuki-Musume, the Ice Mayakashi+ 1Terraforming+ 1Tsuchigumo, the Poisonous Mayakashi+ 1Shiranui Spectralsword Shade+ 1Foolish Burial+ 1Shiranui Shogunsaga+ 1Monster Reborn+ 1Shiranui Skillsaga Supremacy+ 1Avendread Savior+ 2Mezuki+ 2Droll & Lock Bird+ 2Curse of the Ancient Turtle+ 2Shiranui Solitaire+ 3Effect Veiler+ 2Shiranui Spiritmaster
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