Nekroz Impcantation
Rating: 8/10
- Nekroz of Trishula is busteed
- More resilient than other ritual decks
- Lots of searching makes it very consistent
- Difficult to pilot (unless you're a nekroz pro)
- Can lose to control decks with lots of backrow
- If you're not sure what to do, just spam Trishula and hope for the best.
- Try not to burn through your Ritual Spells and Imps too quickly
- Resolve I
mpcantation Chalislime as much as possible
- Try to keep an Imp on board when possible to use
Impcantation Inception
- Try to keep Brionac and Claus in deck instead of just searching ASAP, since they and Trishula are the only cards that Shurit can search
- Brionac + Claus = Trishula (Search for
Nekroz Mirror)
- Armageddon Knight = Gungnir (with
Djinn Demolisher of Rituals)
- Instant Fusion into Elder Entitiy Nordern negates Imp effects, so you can make a Rank 4
- Urgent Ritual Art lets you Trish on the opponent's turn
- Nekroz of Valkyrus can tribute Impcantations or Sangan
Impcantation Talismandra (Extra Unlimited Card)
Preparation of Rites (Extra Unlimited Card)
Deck Profile: