We are taking a look at Nekroz today which has a singular Level 9 monster in Nekroz of Trishula. It is a Level 9 WATER Warrior Ritual Monster which can be Ritual Summoned with any Nekroz Ritual Spell and must be Ritual Summoned without using any Level 9 monsters. When a card or effect is activated that targets a Nekroz monster(s) you control, you can Quick Effect discard this card to negate the activation and when it is Ritual Summoned, you can banish exactly 3 of your opponent’s cards, 1 each from their hand, field, and GY with the card in hand being chosen at random. If it wasn’t already immediately obvious, it is a nightmare to combine 2 Ritual Decks together and try to make a functioning Deck. Unlike Drytron which is an archetype that can facilitate the Ritual Summon of any Ritual Monster with the tools it has at hand, Nekroz and Prediction Princess are 2 Ritual Decks that exist on completely different planes of existence. The Nekroz Ritual Monsters all have hand effects that give protection effects, recycling/recovery of their own cards from the GY, or give you searches for their other in-archetype cards. The non-Ritual Nekroz monsters also facilitate searching and recycling. And as for their Ritual Spells, they give you different methods of Ritual Summoning with Nekroz Mirror allowing you to banish Nekroz monsters from GY to fulfill the Level Requirement for Ritual Summons, Nekroz Kaleidoscope being able to Ritual Summon any number of Nekroz Ritual Monsters by Tributing 1 monster from hand or field or by sending 1 monster from your Extra Deck to GY which allows you to Ritual Summon any number of Nekroz Ritual Monster from hand whose total Levels equal the Level of the monster you used, and Nekroz Cycle allowing to Ritual Summon a Nekroz Ritual monster from hand or GY. But each Ritual Spell also allows you to get another Nekroz Spell from Deck by banishing it and a Nekroz monster from GY given that you control no monsters. On the other hand, Prediction Princess is a Ritual Deck built around Flip Monsters with their in-archetype Flip Monsters providing searching, recycling, and even Special Summoning Flip Monsters from Deck with Prediction Princess Tarotrei and Prediction Princess Tarotreith being your main methods of flipping monsters face-up/down and Prediction Princess Bibliomuse being your best tool for searching and providing protection to your Ritual Monsters. These 2 Decks play so differently from each other, but the main reason why I wanted to try building this Deck is to make use of Stars Align Across the Milky Way. Essentially, given that we have 3 different Level 9 Ritual Monsters in the Deck, we have the ability to potentially Ritual Summon Nekroz of Trishula on our opponent’s turn with this card. Even so, that is not something that is actually accessible for the most part and is only available if we draw Stars Align. But with the sheer searching power of Nekroz, I figured I would give the Deck a shot either way. Basically, we need to get Trish onto the field and then target it with Monstrosity to get Bibliomuse and Deus-X out of the Deck to go full Prediction Princess combo. In that case, we need our starting hand to have World Legacy Monstrosity, access to Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz, access to a Nekroz Ritual Spell, and access to Nekroz of Trishula. Let’s say we have Diviner of the Herald, Nekroz of Clausolas, Nekroz of Trishula, and Monstrosity in hand. Discard Clausolas to search for Nekroz Cycle. Normal Summon Diviner to send Herald of the Arc Light from Extra Deck to GY which searches for Nekroz of Brionac with its GY effect. Brionac discards itself to search for Shurit. Activate Cycle tributing Shurit as the whole Tribute to get out Trish. Next, activate Monstrosity targeting Trish to get Bibliomuse and Deus-X out of the Deck, overlay Deus-X and Trish for Mereologic Aggregator which sends another Herald of the Arc Light from ED to GY. And continuing on from there, it is full Prediction Princess combo. It is not pretty, but this is what has to happen for a Nekroz Prediction Princess Deck to work. It isn’t easy combining 2 Ritual Decks together and having it fully functional, especially when both Decks have a different philosophy to Ritual Summoning as well as a very different playstyle.
Starting with the Ritual Monsters: 3 Prediction Princess Tarotrei, 1 Prediction Princess Tarotreith, 2 Nekroz of Trishula, 3 Nekroz of Brionac, and 2 Nekroz of Clausolas. Tarotrei is a Quick Effect to flip a monster face-up or face-down and during the End Phase, she can Special Summon a Flip Monster from hand or GY face-down. Tarotreith can either be Ritual Summoned or Special Summoned via Tarotrei’s End Phase effect. On flip, she can Special Summon a Flip Monster from your Deck face-down and she can Quick Effect flip any number of your monsters either face-up or face-down. Brionac is a Level 6 Ritual Monster that can be Ritual Summoned with any Nekroz Ritual Spell and must be Ritual Summoned without using itself. You can discard it to add a Nekroz monster from your Deck to your hand other than itself and while it is face-up on the field, you can target up to 2 face-up monsters on the field that were Special Summoned from the Extra Deck and shuffle them into the Deck. Clausolas is a Level 3 Ritual Monster that can be Ritual Summoned with any Nekroz Ritual Spell and you can discard it to add a Nekroz Spell/Trap (if the Trap does someday exist) from your Deck to your hand. 3 Prediction Princess Bibliomuse who can Special Summon herself back from GY face-down if she was tributed and sent there. On flip, she can add a Prediction Princess monster other than herself and a Ritual Spell from Deck to hand, and while she’s face-up on field, your Ritual Monsters gain targeting and destruction protection from your opponent’s effects. 2 Deus-X Krawler which negates all activated monster effects on your opponent’s side of the field after it has been flipped face-up and if it is destroyed on field, you can search for a Level 9 monster with a different Type and Attribute than it from Deck. 3 Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz. If you are Ritual Summoning exactly 1 Nekroz Ritual Monster that requires the use of monsters, it can be used as the whole Level requirement and if it is Tributed by a card effect, you can add a Warrior Nekroz Ritual Monster from your Deck to your hand. For the most part, you are just using Shurit for its first effect because Trishula cannot be Ritual Summoned using a Level 9, so we are using Shurit’s replacement effect to fulfill the Ritual requirement. Shurit’s effect to search after being tributed for an effect is more useful and more relevant in an actual Nekroz Deck, but you can still use it to search for something like a Clausolas to use it to search for another Nekroz Cycle on your following turn for some sort of play. And finally, 3 Diviner of the Herald which sends a Fairy monster from Deck or Extra Deck on Normal or Special Summon to increase its Level by the Level of the sent monster. This sends Herald of the Arc Light for more search power for either the Nekroz or Prediction Princess side of the Deck.
Spell/Traps: 1 Instant Fusion for Master of Ham. 3 Pot of Prosperity. 1 Reinforcement of the Army which either gets you to Clausolas to get to a Nekroz Ritual Spell or it can get you to Shurit. 3 Preparation of Rites which gets you a Level 7 or lower Ritual Monster from Deck and can also add back a Ritual Spell from GY. It’s a great card for Nekroz with how good it is to have access to Clausolas and Brionac. 2 Nekroz Cycle and 1 Nekroz Mirror. Cycle can Ritual Summon a Nekroz Ritual Monster from hand or GY and Mirror can also banish Nekroz Monsters from your GY for the Ritual requirement. You can play any ratio of these cards, but if you really want to go along with the Stars Aligned play, you need to play Mirror. Kaleidoscope just isn’t it in this Deck as it is much more suited to an actual Nekroz Deck with a greater number of Nekroz Ritual Monsters (ones you actually want to Summon). 3 Underworld Ritual of Prediction which Ritual Summons a Prediction Princess Ritual Monster from hand or GY and you can banish it during the Standby Phase to Special Summon a non-Ritual Prediction Princess monster from Deck face-down. 1 Stars Aligned Across the Milky Way. It reveals a Ritual Monster in your hand and allows you to add a Ritual Monster with the same Level but a different name from your Deck to your hand. And you can banish it from GY and send a Ritual Spell from your hand to the GY for cost to apply the sent Ritual Spell’s effect to Ritual Summon a monster. So basically, in order to use this card, we need to tweak our Prediction Princess plays that we would normally go through during our opponent’s Standby Phase. Specifically, we are looking at Bibliomuse’s Flip Effect. When Tarotreith flips Bibliomuse face-up and you activate its effect to search for a Ritual Spell and a Prediction Princess monster, instead of searching for Tarotrei and Underworld Ritual, search for Tarotrei and Nekroz Mirror. Now, you have a Level 9 Ritual Monster and a Nekroz Ritual Spell in your hand with Mirror specifically being able to banish Nekroz monsters from your GY for the Ritual Summon. Activate Stars Aligned Across the Milky Way revealing Tarotrei in your hand to add a copy of Nekroz of Trishula from Deck to hand. Both Tarotrei and Trishula are Level 9 Ritual Monsters with different names. Then, when you are ready, activate the effect of Stars Aligned in GY to banish it and send the copy of Mirror in your hand to the GY. The effect of Stars Aligned will now be the effect of Mirror to Ritual Summon a Nekroz Ritual Monster with the ability to also banish Nekroz Monsters from your GY for the Ritual Summon. Banish the Shurit that is already in your GY as the entire Ritual requirement to Summon Nekroz of Trishula from your hand during your opponent’s turn and its effect can now banish 3 cards from their hand, field, and GY (1 from each). You don’t need to play this card, but it was the motivation for me to make this Deck in the first place despite the very obvious issues with combining these 2 Ritual Decks.
Extra Deck: 1 Master of Ham which can Special Summon a Flip Monster from hand or Deck face-down on Fusion Summon. 2 Herald of the Arc Light which adds a Ritual Monster or Ritual Spell from your Deck to your hand if it is sent to the GY. 1 Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder. 1 Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis. 1 Infinitrack Earth Slicer. 2 Mereologic Aggregator. 1 Laevateinn, Generaider Boss of Shadows and 1 Jormungandr, Generaider Boss of Eternity. 1 Nine-Lives Cat. 1 Underworld Goddess of the Closed World, 1 S:P Little Knight, 1 I:P Masquerena, and 1 Gravity Controller.
Side Deck: 3 Nibiru, the Primal Being, 3 Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju, 2 Gizmek Kaku, the Supreme Shining Sky Stag, 1 Harpie’s Feather Duster, 3 Dark Ruler No More, and 3 Evenly Matched.