Altergeists can facilitate Necrovalley, and Necrovalley seems really good vs Sprights, but more importantly, could be gg vs Tearalaments. This is a version of Geist built to facilitate Necrovalley.
So, 0 Hand traps outside of Imperm. Imperm + Faker is brutal, but otherwise our plan is to set backrow. 3 Faker, the best Geist, 3 Meluseek, good removal and it searches Faker, 3 Mario, you need names and it is technically a sort of starter, 1 Pooquery, card is fine, being able to pop off for a bit is nice, 1 Konq, 2 Silq. These are the standard numbers, nothing flashy here.
I wanted to run Necrovalley, and I wanted is badly enough to run Terraforming and Metaverse. Metaverse is weaker here than in most Geist decks, because Necrovalley shuts down Haufiness BS and makes Orange Herald into mill 5 less terrifying, but Metaverse triggers Multifaker, so it makes the cut. The only other spell I wanted to run was 3 Pot of Extravagence. Free draw 2 in the deck, and the deck needs the card advantage in 2022.
2 Protocol with 1 Manifestation and 3 Spoofing are pretty standard numbers. Manifestation is turned off by Necrovalley, but you still want to have it in the deck even though you can play through Valley fine. You still want access to those lines when Necrovalley isn't on the board, and it is a fine bluff when it is. Imperm and the Solemns are pretty standard. It seems like Compulse is pretty good right now for monster removal. and Dinomiscus is copium for Mystic Mine.
3 Secret Village are here for games 2 and 3, when the backrow sweepers will all be coming in. The only exception is Vs Tear, where Necrovalley is completely worth it. The Mix of D. Barrior and D.D.G. gives us turn skippers to fit in instead of spot removal. Artifact Sanctum + Scythe is a second turn skipper alternative.
For Backrow I need Harpie's because of Mine, but Red Reboot and Evenly are too appealing next to Multifaker to pass up.