Dragoon is still legal, and Necrovalley hits 2 of the top 3 decks really hard, so now is a good time to be on the Gravekeeper's engine in a stun deck. The deck is basically a pile of cards that search Necrovalley, a pile of cards that make Dragoon, some Pots, some Traps, and 3 copies of Royal Tribute. The game plan is simple, you establish Necrovalley + Dragoon and hope that it is enough to deal with everything they've got, and maybe occasionally Royal Tribute them.
So, 3 Necrovalley and a Terraforming seems obligatory. Necrovalley is the whole point of this deck, and you really want to maximize naturally drawing this card over searching it, and Terraforming remains the best way to search it. 3 Gravekeeper's Commandant seems like overkill but I want to try it out at 3 before trimming it back - it is effectively more copies of Necrovalley, which could be redundant run in these numbers but helps ensure you actually see Necrovalley. Necrovalley Throne searches for Commandant to find you Necrovalley, but I like this card more because it also searches for Headman for access to Dragoon, meaning seeing this alongside Commandant makes Necrovalley + Dragoon boards. 1 Headman to enable this. We're on 3 Red-Eyes Fusion and 3 Red-Eyes Insight to search Red-Eyes Fusion, with the bricks these entail. These are for easy access to Dragoon, which protects Necrovalley and is hard to out and a source of pressure, all at the same time. This card is stupid. We have 3 Royal Tribute. These can be a defensive card if you already have Necrovalley, but are mostly an offensive card to just shut opponents down by destroying all of their starters. 3 Droplets, these should just be a staple in most deck lists this format, even though we run low monster count this card is still just incredible. 3 Pot of Extravagence. You need card advantage in this deck, and you need to eat up those Ash Blossoms, as not a lot else stops your deck, but Ash really does hit both sides of the trick. 1 Called By the Grave, another way to eat up those Ashes, I'd make space for 3 if I could. 3 Torrential Tribute with 1 Fury to search it. This card doesn't pop Dragoon and combined with Solemn Strike will eat up whole combo boards, and is really powerful, so even though the spell telegraphs it I thought 4 in the main was a good idea. Lastly, I'm on the Solemn brigade, 3 Judgment and 3 Strike. Strike is really good alongside Dragoon or Torrential Tribute, and is just generically good going first or going second. I wanted some Judgment in the 55 for games 2 and 3 when the disruption comes in, but I'd prefer to main the card and side cards that are more impactful in specific matchups or circumstances. The card is amazing going first and still pretty good going second, and is a great generic answer to most sources of pressure an opponent can apply.
So, working through some probabilities, I discovered the deck has just under a 75% chance of making Dragoon and just over a 75% chance to make Necrovalley. This is pretty good all things considered, but it did change my attitude about Pot of Prosperity. You'll only get both on the field in about 50% of your games without it, but it improves your odds of making both greatly by standing in for either, digging 6 cards deeper into your deck. The maths started to get way above my head for just a children's card game, but you should see Necrovalley + Dragoon in over half of your games without Prosperity, and Prosperity should theoretically improve your odds of making both together, with 6 cards and several 2 card combos standing in for Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon, and 9 cards total representing Necrovalley. The reason I'm off Terraforming is running the 1 Terraforming seems a little too redundant while not actually improving our final odds by that much, and Commandant represents part of a 2 card combo to make Necrovalley + Dragoon. The other adjustment is running copies of Needle Ceiling to represent more Torrentials without giving up the game.
Nope, I was wrong. Extravagence is better in this deck. You need raw cards for Dragoon and you're consistent enough in seeing Necrogoon before the Prosperity. In every test hand I saw it Extravagence was comparable or straight better. Extravagence is still a decent consistency boost in a deck with such high odds of seeing your players, and it plays well with traps and Dragoon.