This is my take at a "Naturia" deck. "Naturia" is an archetype that consists entirely out of Earth Attribute monsters with various types (but mostly Insect and Plant). From my experience, the "Naturia" archetype suffers from a bad reputation due to having some pretty bad cards, but on closer inspection you will find a few solid cards in the bunch that can make for a more than decent deck overall. The goal is to establish your board (preferably during the first turn) to be ready for the opponent taking action, since pretty much all "Naturia" cards trigger their effects in reaction to the opponent doing various things.
The monster line-up in this deck consists of three copies of "Naturia Cliff" and three copies of "Naturia Cherries". Both fetch further monsters upon being destroyed or sent to the graveyard, but "Naturia Cliff" can do the battle searcher strategy of searching copies of itself until the opponent has no more monsters to attack with and then searching some important card, while "Naturia Cherries" increases the monster count on your field by quite an amount and is helpful as tribute for effects, tribute for "Naturia Bamboo Shoot" and simply as more "Naturia" monsters for the effect of "Naturia Fruitfly". "Naturia Bamboo Shoot" locks the opponent from using backrow when summoned by using a "Naturia" monster as tribute, which is fairly helpful when you get it off but needs some setup to work while "Naturia Fruitfly" can snatch opposing monsters with 0 DEF and lowers the opposing monster's stats by 300 ATK/DEF per "Naturia" monster you control. "Naturia Fruitfly" is therefore immensely important when building your field as it will steal the opposing resources for Link and Synchro summons while also crippling the opposing monster's stats beyond believe when two copies of "Naturia Fruitfly" are available. To make sure that that actually happens, there is "Naturia Antjaw" which can summon Level 3 or lower "Naturia" monsters whenever the opponent Special Summons (which can be quite a lot to be honest) and therefore can set the entire thing up or via "Naturia Sacred Tree", which can once per turn freely change a Plant/Insect monster against the other type, for example using "Naturia Cherries" to gain "Naturia Fruitfly". "Naturia Marron" serves as both a "Naturia"-specific "Foolish Burial" as well as allowing you to shuffle monsters back into the deck to draw a card, which is helpful both due to the drawn card and allows you to setup "Naturia Cliff" and "Naturia Cherries" again.
Less important but still fairly helpful are the single copies of "Naturia Stinkbug", which stops the entire Battle Phase by sending itself to the graveyard, "Naturia Butterfly", which stops single attacks once per turn but only needs to mill your deck for one card in order to do so, "Naturia Sunflower", which is quite costly by asking for two tributes but can stop dangerous board-clears from going through, and "Naturia Mantis" as a Normal Summon blocker. I also run two copies of "Dogmatika Maximus", which is useful for Extra Deck plays and will be explained shortly.
The backrow features three "Naturia Sacred Tree", both for its summoning and its searching effect when sent to the graveyard, three "Foolish Burial Goods", which can trigger the search effect of "Naturia Sacred Tree", "Monster Reborn" for obvious summoning from the graveyard, one "Pot of Avarice" since the draw two is always helpful and you have an easy time filling the graveyard which monsters while also being able to reuse the things you shuffled back due to searching, and one "Pot of Duality", which is helpful overall but extra useful during the first turn since you will probably not Special Summon that early and can further improve your hand. The Trap cards aside from "Naturia Sacred Tree" are two copies of "Trap Trick" to make the Traps searchable and therefore more available, two "Back to the Front", which is very nice in combination with "Naturia Antjaw" and "Naturia Fruitfly" while the drawback of summoning in defense position is actually a bonus in this case, two "Storming Mirror Force" for a little bit more defense and three copies of "Dogmatika Punishment", which can ditch the copies of "Elder Entity N'tss" from the Extra Deck and gives you early card destruction when needed.
Going into the Extra Deck, there are the "Naturia" main stays in form of "Naturia Beast", "Naturia Barkion" and "Naturia Landoise", all able to interfere with the opposing strategies in one way or another, "Black Rose Dragon" which is both the well-known field nuke in this deck while also being able to actually use its other effect should you decide to use it, "Linkuriboh" as a alternative to put on "Naturia Cherries", "Missus Radiant" as a stat-booster, "Aussa the Earth Charmer, Immovable" for the usual "steal a monster" effect and further searching, and the two "Knightmares" in form of "Knightmare Cerberus" and "Knightmare Phoenix" to have tools against backrow and monsters respectively.
The Fusion line-up is where I actually want to talk about the previously mentioned "Dogmatika Maximus", who can sent Extra Deck monsters straight to the graveyard. You cannot Special summon them anymore if doing so, but in combination with the two copies of "Miracle Synchro Fusion", you are able to access both "Naturia Exterio" and "Naturia Gaiastrio" with relative ease. "Dogmatika Maximus" can also use his effect to ditch the copies of "Elder Entity N'tss" for card destruction and the single copy of "Predaplant Chimerafflesia" to search a "Miracle Synchro Fusion" with a slight delay, giving you a few interactions to play with.
I have to admit that I was somewhat biased in terms of "Naturia" before I wrote a card analysis about them, mostly due to reading some of their effects and deeming the archetype terrible because of them, but also because parts of the community do the same and preach that opinion like their were facts. Is "Naturia" a rogue-worthy deck? No, not by a long shot. But they are also not as terrible as they are made out to be. What I found the most interesting is that they do have a variety of options you can work with and are useable in various decks. I have zero copies of "Naturia Mosquito" in the deck, but not because I deem the card bad but because I did not find space for it in my build; a "Naturia Mosquito" OTK build is certainly gimmicky, but nowhere near impossible.
Overall, I like "Naturia" and think that they are a solid archetype to use and play with, with the added bonus that most people do not know what about 90% of the deck does, leading to scenarios in which players stack the board with Special Summons only to be blocked by a single "Naturia Fruitfly". If you do want to know more about the archetype and what other options there are to run, feel free to visit my blog and specifically the "Naturia" archetype analysis under this link: