Hello All!
First off, thank you for having an interest in this middling deck.
If you have no idea what Myutants are, or you read and article on this sight and looked them up, then have no fear for I am here to guide you through the amzing life of Myutants.
Myutants is a mid-range control strategy that seek to chip away at it's opponents pieces until you are the only one with advantage left on the board. At that was the theory. If you read the "Messing with Myutants" article and thought that is looked like a neat deck well boy let me tell you, that article was wrong on a fundamental level. While I don't intend on getting too into the nitty gritty of how every card works and every interaction the deck can achieve, I will simplify the three big Myutants.
Myutant Beast - spell activation negate Myutant Arsenal - monster banish Myutant Mist - Draw 2
Now, that may look a lot less imprsessive, and it is, but is enough to do some things. Now the biggest things you have to be aware of, and this is crucial, is that all Myutant cards usually -1 in card economy. If you thought that this deck would be an advantage generating machine the sir do I have some magic beans to sell you in Yugoslavia. Now technically there are built in ways to recur your resources, however these require you monsters to be destroyed and for your monsters to banish your other cards. Now it doesn't take a genius to realize that most of the cards will, at best, go neutral on death. So why on earth should you ever play this deck?
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the single best card in the entire Myutant Deck. Myutant Cry is a fusion trap that allows you to recyle you used Myutants and put you fusions on the field during your opponents turn! I mean who really needs I:P Masquerena into Knightmare Unicorn anyways when you can just summon these awesome dudes.
Myutant Synthesis - pop on summon and can be unaffect by card types
Myutant Ultimus - omni-negate
I mean come on these are cool right? Yeah sure their no DPE or Mechaba, but they are still cool!
....ok I will stop hyping it too hard, these cards are only OK on a good day. To be honest, the only reason this deck has any legs to stand on is because it can work so well with TCBOO and Macro-like cards. I mean most of the cards in the deck are kinda rough to open, and it does run a fair of garnet that have meh use. I know this deck is only just in rouge tier, and if you wanted a good rouge deck you could just by three pre-cons and be fine, but that's not the point. You don't play Myutants because the have unlimited combos like Dark World. You're not some kinda guy who wants to set up a five man negate board like Swordsoul. You aren't pysically attracted to the these cards (No judging if you are) like Traptrix. You looked at these cards and thought "wow, thats cool" and you know what they are cool, like super cool! Who cares if you have to play floodgates to be good, it just gives you more time to appreciate the art on these cards.
I digress, if you like them, then have fun with them. I can only give you the tools to figure out how you want to play them, it's up to you to experiment. After all, aren't all Myutants just expiments in the end?