Since I was little I have been fascinated with natural history, wondering how such bizarres creatures lived on Earth. This and other things have became a passionate hobby to me so in this context the Paleozoic Frog deck appears to me the most.
The Paleozoic cards are almost an ideal representation of animals that once lived on Earth( in the Cambrian Period), so well detailed which got me in love. So enough about boring stuff and let's get into the deck.
One to rules them All
The paleozoic Frog is a strategy based in a control type of deck using traps ( and occasionally handtraps) as the main resource of such action. The majority of Paleozoic archetype are trap cards with a variety of effects, while having a gimmick to summon themself as a monster (AQUA levEl 2 , 1200 ATK/ 0 DEF) in a CL1 with a trap. Frogs are level 2 AQUA monster which have the ability to swarm the field fast as they can, while aiming to go for the big guy of their archetype Toadally Awesome (what a goof name), a Rank 2 aqua monster with a totally awesome omni negate effect.
Both engines were born to be together, they are so complementary for each other that makes a fearsome rogue strategy.
Who is who on Cruj (a silly brazilian joke)
Frogs everywhere
3xSwap Frog: Our silly boy , swap frog is the heart and soul for the frog engine. First of all , the first effect ( a frog's Foolish burial when it's summoned) is not once per turn, so you can bounce itself for an additional Gy set up, like a Ronintoadin and a Dupe frog. You can even use the Toadally Awesome effect to summon Swap frog from the deck to extend your play to go in a second Toadally Awesome.
3x Dupe frog: A control's graduated, this cute little frog is our food for Swap frog andRonintoadin to work well. It has a second major effect to add a frog monster to your hand from deck which is good also because you can use it to go in a link monster (Marincess Coral Anemone or Mista boy)
2x Ronintoadin : This wanna-be samurai can be summoned from your Gy banning a frog card and that's not a once per turn effect. The swarm ability of this card is incredible.
3x Toadally Awesome: A XYZ monster with so much power. These little bastards can detach a material to summon a frog from the deck , tribute an Aqua monster to negate ANY effect and if they go to Gy , can recover a water monster( itself or another frog). The scariest part is that none of these effects are "hard" once per turn ( in other word, if you have more than one on field you can use this effect again), making this card a fearsome entity. If you have(as I have)Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder, this card becomes even scarier.
Honorary Frogs
2x Marincess Coral Anemone: An Idol makes an appearance in this deck. She is a brilliant extender, you can use Swap frog to send Dupe frog to GY , bounce itself to send a Ronintoadin to Gy, use the Ronintoadin to summon it and go into Marincess Coral Anemone summon again Swap frog from Gy. using another time it effects sending another dupe frog to bring Ronintoadin once more to go into Toadally Awesome... phew... Marincess Coral Anemone is insane...
1x Mista boy: one of the elemental links , it can boost Toadally Awesome and if goes to gy , recover any water monster.
1x Cat Shark : A rank 2 XYZ cute fellow can boost even more the atk of Toadally Awesome.
Cambrian period
2x Paleozoic Pikaia : Pikaia is an extinct, primitive animal known from the Middle Cambrian that looks like an Eel. Our Pikaia sent a paleozoic card from hand to GY for draw 2 new cards. Can help to set up your GY and renovate your hand and (of course) create a CL1 to summon any Paleozoic trap card from your Gy
3x Paleozoic Canadia: Canadia (meaning of Canada or after Canada) is a genus of extinct primitive annelid worms similar to modern marine annelid worms. Our Canadia is a Book of moon in a trap card form, flipping any non link monster as you like to stop our disturb any link, synchro ou XYZ plays. This is not as impactful as a Solemn Strike,however it breaks the tempo of your opponent and this is the most important thing.
3x Paleozoic Dinomischus : Dinomischusis a rare fossil animal from the Cambrian period, looking like an actinia or a Jellyfish offspring. Our Dinomischus is an insane card that can banish any face-up card of the field and, like Pikaia, can set the Gy with any card. Removing from play an Eldlich or a Zoo is what makes this deck scary.
3x Paleozoic Olenoides:Olenoides was a trilobite(Trilobites means "three lobes" are a group of extinct marine artiopodan arthropods, looking like Woodlouse) from the Cambrian period. Our Olenoides will destroy any spell/trap card on field. No flood gates like mystic mine or There can be only one, just perfect
2x Paleozoic Opabinia:Opabinia regalis is an extinct, stem group arthropod found in the Middle Cambrian ,was a soft-bodied animal, averaging about 5. 7 cm in length (excluding proboscis), and its segmented body had lobes along the sides and a fan-shaped tail, looking like a alien crab or a giant shrimp. Our Opabinia, a XYZ monster, can add any paleozoic card from deck to your hand and also makes any Paleozoic trap cards in hand Trap. A great control card.
1xPaleozoic Anomalocaris:Anomalocaris ("unlike other shrimp", or "abnormal shrimp") is an extinct genus of radiodont (anomalocaridid), an order of animals thought to be closely related to ancestral arthropods. Our Anomacaris, a XYZ monster, is a occasionally a beater and an extender that can dig even more into your deck every time that a trap card is active. Can also pop a card on the field if it has a trap card has a material.
Honorary Paleozoic
2x Trap trick: Traptrickus is an extinct animal that.. HAHAHA, I'm kidding , this card is an amazing search for paleozoic cards as any other trap card in this deck.
Control tool box
3x Infinite Impermanence: an awesome card to stop any effect monster on the field, dan can even start your own play by triggering the effect of any paleozoic in the gy.
2x Anti-Spell Fragrance : Same as the difunct imperial order, an awesome floodgate to counter any spell card.
3x Lost wind: Negate the effect of a monster and half its atk and if your opponent goes into a Extra deck monster you can re-set this card of the field. Multi use trap card.
2x Gozen match: Effective against deck that use multiplus attributes like Dragon link or Virtual world.
2x Crackdown: Steals any monster for you opponent and you can link of on an I:P Mascarena, Cerberus or just let them on field helping you.
2xGet Out!: An underestimate card which can kick out any 2 extra deck monsters from the field, the only downside is that your opponent has to have 2 extra deck monsters at least one field.
3x Dimensional Barrier: A well rounded card to help you stop any summon that nags you, specially those annoying birds monsters.
The paleozoic time travels:
1x Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder: Cat shark and any paleozoic xyz loves it. You can make it in any moments to insure your victory over you adversary.
1x Borreload Dragon: My favorite beater , but you can use any link 4 that you desire.
1x I:p Masquerena: My favorite troublemaker, seh can go into cerberus, Borreload or Unicorn, granting her protection effect.
1x Knightmare Unicorn: Shuffles any cards on the opponent's field. Can be deadly if you use in the opponent's turn with I:p Masquena effect.
1x Knightmare Cerberus: Pops any monster. It can be really useful with Crackdown to get rid off
3X Dark Ruler No More: no more oppressive boards by these vicious Drytron players
A natural history
Frog Paleozoic aren't near the top strategy that was in the past but, like all rogues deck, can put up a well balanced fight and can surprise any opponents if she/he doesn't take care. I hope you enjoy the deck, and you can have fun playing this deck as much as I .
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