Finally, I upload a deck that's not for Legacy of the Duelist.
This is not a meta deck, I've been playing dragons since Tyrant Dragon, now, this current format happens to make my deck more viable.
As such, this current format makes very viable to play different flavors of Dragon decks that uses Rokkets and Guardragons with favorable win rates.
I've just picked almost all my favorite Dragon-type monsters out of my binders and put them in a deck that performs decently at locals.
You may already know how Dragon-Link works, so I'll simply add these notes:
Black Metal Dragon and Starliege Seyfert are one-card combo starters that guarantee you at least a Dragoon and a Borreload Savage.
You may also use another extenders to summon an Apollousa before summoning the Guardragons in order to avoid getting Nibbed.
You can remove Beelze and add a 3rd Striker Dragon, a Hot RDA Abyss or Number 38 Hope Harbinger, a 2nd Hieratic Seal or an Unchained Abomination. However, Beelze can be difficult to out as it has some nice protection, it can't be destroyed neither by battle or effects, but can be targeted, thus get rid of in other ways.
I play 3 Rokket Tracer and 2 Rechargers because I have 3 Dark Synchros in the Extra Deck, but you can change those ratios if you plan to play other Extra Deck monsters.
The 3rd Rokket could also work as a wildcard if you plan to switch your Framegear combo with another handtrap trio while side decking. Or also, you can just simply add 2 Starliege Seyfert to play a 44-card deck, or you can replace one Rokket Tracer to play 2 copies of Rokket Tracer and 2 copies of Starliege Seyfert.