I tried to make a competitive deck out of morphtronic with the main strategies is to roll dices and get morph to make synchros.
foolish burial goods and clockwork night will help getting access to your monsters (depending of the situation, scannen, gadget gamer and celfon can be starters, smarfon to extend).
Don't be afraid to use scannen, this decklist can lack to make big synchros and that levek 6 help a lot. Go add the gadget box with it and go for the power tool dragon.
If you have another morphtronic in your hand after making the power tool, you can go grab repair unit from your deck by the power tool effect, then special summon the last morph in your hand (if it is smartfon, you can banish scannen from GY instead).depending of the morphtronic you had (level 3 or 1 tuner) you can either make crystal wing or baronne before the 5th summon and protect you from most handtraps without having to normal summon !
formula synchron can be a really good in you endboard if coupled with crystal wing or naturia beast, it can make baronne to switch to an omni negate or go for the black rose dragon and clean the board.
I usually end up with the power tool braver dragon equipped with life stream (+ earfon sometimes) making an effect veiler/removal if combined with earfon for the cost. Having only one equip spell mean that if it use its effect, it has no protection, so I put Life Stream dragon to special summon it after using the braver effect. This let me wih a powerful body and a protect on it.
I wanted to add handtraps so the morphronic part is restrictive but having 13 sumonable names is already great and can easely lead to extends and combo (if the dice is with you)
Enjoy it :)