This Deck has two main combolines:
1. Needelfiber-Auroradon Combo, searching 3-4 Ritual Monsters/Spells and setting up a Nekroz of Unicore protected by Valkyrus and Trishula in Hand and preparing follow-up plays for turn 2. (Full Combo below)
2. Vanity's Ruler Combo, searching Cyber Angel Benten, Evigishki Gustkraken and Gishki Aquamirror with Preparation of Rites, the Impcantation engine and Extra-Foolish Burial, then ritual summoning Gustkraken, hand-looping for one, searching Vanity's Ruler by the effect of the Benten tributed to summon Gustkraken and then tribute summoning the Vanity's Ruler over Gustkraken and any available Impcantation monster, making the opponent unable to special summon without affecting you and therefore allowint follow up plays.
I've opted to not play any Handtraps as this Deck seems to start bricking very fast when you start to play non-engine cards, but I suppose you could leave out the Gishki package and the Vanity's Ruler package to atleast allow for 4 Handtraps, either 2 Ash 2 Skull Meister or The Psy-Frame package (which here would probably be used more frequently to negate the activation of an Ash to respond to an Impcantation Monster, Preparation of Rites or Extra-Foolish Burial than as an actual Hand-Trap, but that also allows you to play Psy-Frame-Lord Omega to loop an additional card out of your opponents Hand, I would then exchange the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon for Omega) However I recommend no Handtraps.
The Needlefiber-Combo goes as follows: (I will explain the abbreviations below)
NS DB3, SS DB1, LS Needlefiber, SS DB1, LS Auroradon, SS 3 Tokens, SS both DB1 from grave with their own effect, synchro summon a HAL and Crystron Quandrax with a DB1 and a token each, XYZ Cowboy, detach HAL, burn for 800, search a Ritual Monster/Spell, use Auroradon to tribute the Cowboy and the remaining token, SS Coltwing from Deck, SS two Tokens by Coltwings effect, SS both DB1 from grave by their own effect, synchro summon two HAL, XYZ Dugares, Dugares effect, detach both HAL and SS the HAL that you detatched off Cowboy earlier, search two Ritual Monsters/Spells, set up your board as you like, you could use your remaining HAL either as a negate or as tribute for a Nekroz of Unicore to search your fourth Ritual Monster/Spell. Going Second you could use thr remaining HAL and the Coltwing that should still be on board to go into Number 27, if you manage to dismantle your opponents board and proceed to BP, you will only need to do 5200 damage if you can destroy an opponents monster with Number 27, as that will allow you to go into Gustav MAX afterwards to burn for 2000 and close out the game, as your opponent will have taken 800 by Cowboy's effect already.
NS = Normal Summon
SS = Special Summon
LS = Link Summon
XYZ = XYZ Summon
HAL = Herald of Arc Light
DB3 = Deskbot 003
DB1 = Deskbot 001
BP = Battle Phase
The Side Deck focuses on improving the Going-Second capacities of the deck with Dark Ruler No More! as a blowout and Kaijus; Pankratops and Mind Control as spot removal.
3 Cosmic Cyclone and Red Reboot for Backrow-Hate.
3 Different Dimension Ground for Graveyard Hate.