This is a modified version of a similar deck that I run on Master Duel as well as ran during the March 2025 Duelist Cup. Although the Master Duel version ran Maxx "C"/Mulcharmy and similar cards so that you can either hope to draw all 5 pieces of Exodia or force your opponent to either waste their hand traps on stopping the effect, however the Maxx "C"/Mulcharmy cards aren't necessary as instead run the far more powerful Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood. Gaining lifepoints instead of card advantage is far more powerful when in that first round against your opponents, especially that first round when your opponent doesn't know what you're running and possibly aid you if you don't have Millennium Ankh in your starting hand.
A quick 'how-to-run' for this deck and some of the "combos' for anyone wanting to try out the deck/archetype: All you need to bring out your boss monster, Unstoppable Exodia/Fusion Exodia, is your Millennium Ankh. After activating Millennium Ankh you'll have to reveal the 5 pieces of Exodia in your deck and then you'll summon fusion Exodia, however you'll be locked out of summoning for the rest of the turn, so if going second, it's best to summon anything/everything you'll need to do before bringign out your main monster for finishing the game. If Ankh does get negated by Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, you can activate it again if you have a second Ankh in hand. Getting Ankh is very simple. The ideal way of getting your Ankh is through using the effect of Heart of the Blue-Eyes. Simply discard through effect and then grab your Ankh, but Heart of the Blue-Eyes has an effect while in graveyard that will help you when having to pass the turn to your opponent that is far more important. If you don't have your Blue-Eyes in your starting hand, you can still search for it by using the special summon effects of your Sengenjin. If all you have is your Millennium Shield, simply special summoning your shield and grabbing your Ankh can be enough if you have enough hand traps to throw at your opponent. This deck isn't meant to have any kind of crazy combo-lines and is meant more as a tool kit for interacting with your opponent.
Side Options: There are a couple different options for Super Polymerization targets, depending on the situation. Extra hand trap target options if you find your opponent running any of them not in your main deck. The Mulcharmy cards can be swapped out for the other hand traps in your side deck, however playing under the effects of any of the mulcharmy cards usually only net your opponent with a +1 card (usually just as a replacement for the mulcharmy that was just played), so please be aware if you decide that those cards are important enough to run in this deck. Dimension Shifter works nearly flawlessly with the deck, aside from Heart of Blue-Eyes. You can play under the effects just fine but it's not somethign you should be running constantly in your main deck. Extra Nibiru are included simply because of the powerful quick-play spell card Obliterate!!! Blaze of upon manual activation (after selecting your fusion Exodia on the field) and paying half of your lifepoints will grant your Exodia 10,000 additional attack and gain a piercing effect on defense position monsters, including said Nibiru and its token. Evenly Match is only there just in case your opponents end board is too much to be dismantled from just fusion Exodia or Nibiru. Fiend Reflection is at one in the side deck for the simple reason of gaining some extra lifepoints from either one of your monsters or your opponents. There is also an extra Obliterate!!! Blaze for the simple reason as when I was testing oout this deck, if your opponent is able to mill any of your cards and is able to mill this card in-particular, it was where I'd lose upon this card being milled out of my control, so having an extra sideable copy is only necessary upon this very specific situation.