About a year ago some cards came into my mind that did a funny loop. Red-Eyes Metal Flare Dragon and Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons have mandatory effects that trigger a legal infinite which i thought was quite funny.
But I never found a good deck that could pump out beelze and Metal Flare Dragon. Until the new Metalmorph cards came out and flame swordsman had the same mandatory burn effect. So i started testing some engines together and funnily enough Mimighoul can pump out cards to make saryuja (to get rid garnets and better bricks) and it also is a good floodgate to either stall out the strategy or also force the opponent to trigger the strategy. It's also a great way to give your opponent Beelze with Geonator trasverser (because they don't need to be face up cards).
I really like this deck and if someone can help me make it better then please tell me! Also I don't like playing Handtraps in this deck because it kind of lives from the extenders but im open for possibilities.