Simple deck most of it does not cost to much only all 3 Lightnings for the side or main deck and the 2 Nibiru's in the main and the Extra Avramax and Underwould goddess will cost you an arm an leg but you can sub them out with Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess or Borrelsword Dragon, And these are a much cheaper. The Decks Main Goal is to summon out the gates all 4 of them and OTK= one turn kill. Also if you dont have many machines and you wana be more away from that path of machines Psychic Fervor is also doubles any damage they take too but you take damage based on its atk before hand. Meaning if its 2700 attack you take that as damage first before it doubles. Most of the time you want at least 1 kaiju in hand and 1 leeching the light 1 terraform the field spell or the monster numeron wall and 1 hope spell card this lets you win alot faster. You can also sub out veil for most costy Ashe Blossoms. If you go first you have to play Infinitrack Fortress Megaclops or if you have the cyber with galaxy you need the cyber infinity out, You can add Cyber Emergency and Cyber Emergency to get to the kaiju's faster. The Combo 1kaiju1 viper1hope 1terraform 1 numeron wall this hand is if you a first most of them time you will see this hand with one or two changes honest or Nibiru and you can honest Nibiru if you summon it into attack to trick them, As for going 2ed you will need or hope to draw into a leeching the light for the 6th card and you will kaiju the biggest threat to your deck that has the worse Quick effect to deal with if you cant deal with it hope you have a raigeki or a kaiju slumber also lightning too. Once you kaiju'ed the worse monster you can then use numeron wall or the field spell and get the needed spell card to summon all 3 or 4 gates to one turn kill by using leeching the light cuz that light kaiju will help your numeron team even tho its on their, All of your monsters will gain 3300 attack switch can go up even higher if you have a viper T301 giving them 1200 before you use leeching the light then you can limiter removal and OTK. Also if you have hope in hand use it before you do anything else after you summon all 4 numerons you get 4 cards free.Also Tips you can Leeching the light on Nibiru too, And the other one of vipers if you are forced to play with it you can get two cuz of the token and it will gain that attack. This Decks Main combo has to do with Leeching the light and Kaiju's. Also alot of the meta monster are light too from blue eyes to golden lands to dogmatika and more. Just Remember if they have a light monster you can (leech it!)~
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