My favourite Visas clone archetype representing joy and synchros is finally here - MANNADIUM! Going first, you make unbreakable boards - going second, plow though opponent's cards with natural boardbreaking ability!
The first wave of Mannadium cards in Masterduel is merely a shell that summons generic boss monsters like Baronne De Fleur, Apollousa, Dis Pater and Chaos Angel.
In honour of the inferior Mannadium Prime-Heart who will never be competitively viable (card designers what are you thinking?!), here is the infamous Mannadium copy-pasta:
"Mannadium Prime-Heart has a special defensive ability that stops your opponent from targeting it with card effects. No monsters facing Mannadium Prime-Heart will be safe due to its multiple energy blades! Find this powerful card in Cyberstorm Access, releasing on May 5th!"
Want to see the deck in action? Scroll to the very bottom for the Youtube video!
This build of Mannadium is played pure without any other archetypes mixed into it. Most combos require two cards to get started, requiring a Mannadium ball + Starfrost himself - so this deck is maxed out on finding these two cards as much as possible. With this current iteration of the deck, if this combination isn't present in your hand, boards will be suboptimal or non-existent (essentially you bricked).
The rest of the staple slots are included specifically to counter the bane of this deck - Maxx "C." 8 cards counter the cockroach, which are 2 Called By, 1 Crossout, 3 Ash Blossom, and 2 Psy-Frame Gamma. Don't play into Maxx, it's never worth it giving your opponent 10+ cards, sinc they'll always break through your board!
This deck's limiting factor is consistency. It faces the problem that a similar older combo deck had, Virtual World. It needed combo pieces to be present in hand or else you've straight up bricked. There aren't any "one card starters" in this deck like Branded Fusion, Mathmech Circular or Weclome Labrynth - you'll need at least two combo pieces, and three is optimal. This problem will soon be fixed with the introduction in later Masterduel sets with Amritara and Trisukda.
The strategy for Mannadium is straightforward (summon level 10 synchros + 3 mat Apollousa) while combos are linear, despite hands being different. Any combination of cards generally leads to the same end board. Here is the main combo for Mannadium:
Riumheart + Mannadium Ball (for this example, we're using Meek) + Calarium = Dis Pater (Negate OR Destroy) + Baronne De Fleur (omni-negate/destroy) + Gymir Aegirine/Chengying (Protection/Banish) + 3 Mat Apollousa (3 monster negates) + draw 4.
- Normal summon Riumheart to search for Abscission.
- Activate Calarium, searching for Visas Starfrost.
- Special summon Meek. Activate Abscission targeting and destroying Meek, adding Mannadium Imagining from deck.
- CL1 Meek to summon another Meek from deck increasing it's level by two, CL2 Calarium to summon Meek from GY.
- Activate Imagining (if applicable), drawing 2 from deck and placing 1 card in your hand to the bottom of your deck.
- Synchro summon Accel Synchro Dragon using level 4 Meek + Riumheart. On summon, Accel Synchro summons Meek from GY.
- Synchro Summon Dis Pater using Accel Synchro Dragon + Meek. (Summon it to the middle, left-most or right-most column so that Cross-Sheep points to it in the future).
- Special summon Visas Starfrost targeting and destroying Meek. Meek's effect upon destruction summons a 3rd Meek from deck and increases its level by 2.
- Link summon Light-Heart using Visas Starfrost (be sure the zone below your Light-Heart is empty). Light-Heart searches for Primitive Planet Reichphobia.
- Activate Reichphobia to search for Reichheart. Reichheart special summons from hand to the zone below Light-Heart. On-summon, Reichheart searches for Scareclaw Arrival and draws you an additional card.
- Link summon Cross-Sheep using Light-Heart + Reichheart. (Summon it to the EMZ so that it's pointing to Dis Pater, while leaving the other column empty for the future summon of Astraloud).
- Special summon from GY Reichheart using Scarelaw Arrival.
- Synchro summon Charge Warrior using Reichheart + level 2 Meek. Draw 1 card.
- Synchro summon Baronne De Fleur using Charge Warrior + level 4 Meek.
- "Contact" Fusion summon Astraloud banishing Visas Starfrost + Riumheart in GY to a zone Cross-Sheep points to.
- Cross-Sheep trigger effect boosts all monster's attack by 700 while simultaneously summoning Meek from GY.
- Synchro summon Gymir Aegirine using Astraloud + Meek. (If you're not using Meek, you can summon Chengying instead).
- Activate Bystial Dis Pater's effect to summon Visas Starfrost from banished pile. Summon Light-Heart from GY.
- Link summon Apollousa with 3 materials using Cross-Sheep + Light-Heart + Visas Starfrost.
- Set Reframing and any other cards.
Left unchecked, this Mannadium's main combo ends on 1 omni-negate, 3 monster negates, 1 banish, fieldwide protection and draw 4. You also have materials in GY next turn to create a Astraloud and if Dis Pater survives until next turn, he can summon Riumheart from banished pile to as follow-up to get more resources from deck. What makes this board extra special is that it can withstand a Dark Ruler no More/Forbidden Droplet since Reframing is a backrow omni-negate.
The optimal deck's endboard is an extremely potent powerhouse that all decks would be hard-pressed to deal with. Depending on the cards in-hand and whatever interruptions your opponent has, your resulting endboard from this combo vary in power, depending on how much you bricked and how many times you've been interrupted.
This deck can also sustain being hit by several handtraps and keep on comboing, since it offers many extenders and different lines of play.
Going second, this deck naturally breaks boards with Primitive Planet Reichphobia, Astraloud, Baronne and Chaos Angel removing cards. However, as it combos, the strategy is vulnerable to interruption, preferring to go first. The good news is that the Mannadium "ball" combo pieces float (not once per turn btw) when they are destroyed, so you can keep on going if your opponent opts to destroy them.
Mannadium can easily churn out over 9000ATK on board with at least 4 removals requiring minimal investment. When you've baited out all their interruptions going for the regular combo, you can pivot your strategy for the Astraloud + Accesscode OTK. First Link two monsters for Cross-Sheep on board. Contact fuse Visas Starfrost + Visas Clone in GY for Astraloud (1 pop) to a zone Cross-Sheep is pointing to so you can summon another monster from the GY. Link Cross-Sheep + another monster for Knightmare Unicorn (1 spin). Link Knightmare Unicorn + monster for Accesscode Talker (2 pops). And there we have it, 4 removals and over 9000ATK on board for OTK!
- As you combo, be aware of the zones you're summoning in, or else you may stop your combo in it's tracks! For Light-Heart, keep the monster zone below it empty, so you can summon Reichheart below it. For Cross-Sheep, make sure to leave space for both a synchro and fusion monster to summon underneath it so you can get an ATK boost and a monster reborn.
- High impact handtraps like Dimension Shifter, Droll & Lockbird, Nibiru and most importantly, Maxx "C" all stop this deck in it's tracks and severely limit it's play. While it is possible to play through these cards if your starting hand is strong, your board will be weaker.
- Don't play into Maxx "C" unless you know you can end the game right then and there! It's never worth it giving your opponent 20 cards since they'll undoubtably break your board no matter how many negates and interruptions they put up!
- Is your combo stopped by a pesky floodgate? No problem! One of your combo pieces, Primal Planet Reichphobia, destroys 1 card on the field! All it needs are at least 3 monsters on the field in defense position, which is an easy feat for this deck.
- Vicious Astraloud is an incredible boardbreaker. Try to get Visas + a 1500ATK/2100DEF monster in the GY to contact fuse for this card!
Want to see the deck in action? Scroll to the very bottom for the Youtube video!
So far, I honestly don't find Mannadium particularly interesting as a playstyle and aesthetic. The playstyle is a straightforward combo with little variance. I find that there is no uniqueness with this deck, since its only used as an engine to turbo out generic boss monsters, (Baronne, Apollousa, Dis Pater, etc.) rather than something in-archetype. Even their iconic level 10 boss synchro, Mannadium Prime-Heart is abandoned in favour of more competitive level 10s! With my complaints being said, I believe the next wave of support will give this deck an actual personality and identity with "Visas Amritara." When that buster blade wielding badass is released, Mannadium will be more thematic, rather than merely being a shell to summon generic boss monsters.
In honour of the inferior Mannadium Prime-Heart who will never be competitively viable (card designers what are you thinking?!), here is the infamous Mannadium copy-pasta, ran through the "OwOifier:"
"Mannadium Pwime-Heawt has a speciaw defensive abiwity thawt stops youw opponent fwom tawgeting iwt with cawd effects. No monstews facing Mannadium Pwime-Heawt wiww be safe due tuwu its muwtipwe enewgy bwades! find thiws powewfuw cawd in Cybewstowm Access, weweasing own May 5th!" (sorry for this)
GLHF Duelists!