"OMG yes I love Quem! I would die for Guiding Quem, the Virtuous. This support card is going to change my life and is going to be the best card ever!" - YCS Champ Joshua Schmidt
Okay, maybe he really didn't say that and it's just a copypasta constantly posted in his Youtube comments and Twitch streams, but you get the point - YCS Champ Joshua won by skillfully piloting Bystial Runick! And now, we can do the same in Masterduel since the latest pack makes all the important pieces in the strategy available!
Combining Bystial with Runick, another amazing advantage engine, you get an extremely competent meta strategy that will quickly outpace your opponents! Piloted correctly and methodically, Bystial Runick will win you games vs. the top decks of the metagame, especially since Bystial hard counters decks like Branded, Dragonlink and Labyrinth!
This deck may be straightforward, but it rewards good decision making since boards and gamestates are determined by the pilot's skill and resource management. If you're a player who likes a resource-based control-focused grindgame, Bystial Runick is the deck for you.
Want to see the deck in action? Scroll to the very bottom for the Youtube video!
UPDATE - Chaos Ruler has been banned according to Masterduel's most recent banlist, so take it out of your Bystial Runick deck. Even though it's powerful, it isn't needed for the strategy.
As the name implies, Bystial Runick is mainly composed of the two archetypes.
The BYSTIAL part of the deck actually just isn't Bystial, it represents the Albaz "synchro" cards as well such as Cartesia, Aluber, and of course, Quem! Bystials offer their level 6 bodies for Synchro summons, mostly for Baronne or Dis Pater. Combined with the Fusion monsters summoned by Runick spells (level 2 Hugin and level 4 Geri), level 6 and level 10 synchro monsters from your extra deck toolbox are easily accessible. Bystials also form a compact but effect resource loop when Branded Regained + Beast are on the field, forming an incredible amount of advatage for the pilot in both bodies on the field and cards in hand. Bystials are so incredibly powerful. Being a "D.D. Crow" for lights/darks, a giant 2500ATK body and free level 6 bodies for summon fodder is incredible! When your opponent is out of resources, the sheer amount of Bystials + level 10 synchro bosses can wait one turn on a full board to OTK your opponent - one of the few Runick variants to do so.
RUNICK offers the main win condition of this deck by banishing your opponent's deck. Runick spells also break opponent's boards fairly well when played correctly in tandem with the other archetypes, especially Bystials. Runick offers solid defensive options, with Hugin protecting against destruction effects while Geri dissuades the opponent from attacking. Constantly drawing up to three cards per turn is pretty bonkers too, easily allowing the pilot to outpace the opponent with the amount of resources they have.
Duality is also included in this deck. The card offers Hugin (its target is Allvain) a way to dodge targeting negation like Imperm or Veiler. Duality can also turn a level 6 Bystial into a light tuner (its target is Malong). An added bonus is that when Malong reaches the GY, it can return a face-up card to the hand! Finally, Duality can recycle 1 light and 1 dark card in the GY for a draw, which additional recursion and resource advantage. The card isn't needed (you can save on 90 UR!) in this deck, but it greatly benefits the strategy.
The strategy of Bystial Runick is to control/banish your opponent's cards until they surrender or deck-out. In certain situations, you can also enter the battle phase and OTK your opponent. The ridiculous resource advantage and control options each archetype gives the duelist should win them the duel in most circumstances. An additional benefit to using a lot of Bystials is that is hardcounters various common strategies onf Masterduel ladder like Branded, Labyrinth and Tearlaments.
There is no particular combo line that this strategy uses. Mostly, this deck just summons Hugin to start off with the Runick portion of the deck. The presence Hugin then allows the special summons of Spright monsters so you can full combo. Bystials are not particularly "needed," but if you draw into Lubellion, Magnamhut and Branded Regained, it grants you massive resources, interruptions and free bodies on the field.
Normal summoning Quem to dump to GY Bystial Aluber is typically the opening play. Summoning Cartesia to fuse into Granguinol is also another line of play, since Granguinol can send Luluwalilith to summon Quem from deck, or it's level 8 body can be used as Synchro material for Chaos Angel. Typically, a level 6 Bystial + Cartesia/Quem (level 4 tuners) can make your level 10 Synchro of choice.
The deck's endboard is varies, but the duelist may end on a mix of level 10 Synchro boss monsters (Typically Baronne), and with one or both of the Bystial continuous spell or traps.
Since this is a toolbox control strategy, the use of each card is unique and situational - after Hugin -> Bystial combo, the duel is typically non-linear. Instead, the game is dependent on the pilot's decision-making, resource advantage skills and knowledge of the specific match-up. If played to it's best potential, this deck can defeat opponents going first and second, even through many interruptions.
With the unique control each archetype offers and the draw 3-4+ every turn, your opponent should wither away while you snowball card advantage to victory.