Please add Deer Note, Konami.
It's been done a million times on ygopro and I'm here to add that one millionth and one deck listing to the mix. Zombie Synchro is not only heightened by the P.U.N.K. engine; it also is the coolest duel-archetype aesthtic in the game. The idea of cyber punk zombies is enough to realese endorphines upon the thought alone. The deck itself is brilliant. It imparts a variety to the game that is rarely seen in the average Master Duel match. This is because Zombie Synchro boasts a nonlinear combo game that is adaptable to a variety of situations your opponent can throw at you, making the deck have a high skill ceiling that requires the user to not only have a knowledge of each of their card's effects, but also a knowledge of the your opponent's cards as well. The challenge the deck provides will always lead to a feeling of superiority after besting your opponent in any Gold IV game.
Something that my deck listing delivers that other decks don't is a good selection of hand traps that makes this "Going First" deck have an easier time when you inevitably lose the coin flip. It also keeps the card count as close to 40 as possible while ensuring no part of either the Zombie or P.U.N.K. engine is weakend to save space. Most other Zombie decks (especially on MD Meta) will instead go for a 60 card deck and try to high roll with That Grass Looks Greener as a less than dependable strategy. This deck strives for consistency in the opening hand and is really what I want to preface most of all, because while it is a wonderful feeling when your deck gives you a godly hand that can lead to setting a Baronne, Balerdroch and a Zombie Dragon Lord on turn one, that feeling is muffled when you brick five games in a row before getting it. So 3 Banshees, 3 Zombie Worlds, and 3 Ze Amins. This will allow even your most abyssmal of hands to set up Zombie World and a tuner, the minimum you will want to do. From there, have fun, experiment, and learn the ins and outs of the deck because it is a maze of combinations and plays that is second only to D/D.
The most important thing I can say is learn when you are locked into Zombies because there are a fair amount of times where I could have gone for a great end board but I simply triggered my effects in the wrong order. Other than that, I can only reiterate that the deck provides a challenge that will put your skills as a duelist to the test and I sincerely hope you give the deck a try because it is the first deck to truly make me feel like I'm playing Yu-Gi-Oh.
As a P.S. to this literal essay (bless you if you've actually read this far) some youtube channels that can help you with your journey are TheAfroCain, MasterDuelCentral, and my personal favorite Redzero03. The deck really gave me something to feel proud about when playing the game because I always wanted to craft a combo deck that wasn't linear but actually required you to think about your next play. Which, don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with simple decks, I for one play Salamangreat all the time. But it gets boring. You don't have to use my listing, but I hope you give Zombie Synchro a try and that the deck gives you that same feeling of excitement it gave me.