So this deck is an edit to a deck I did back in February of this year. Look at that one for the main breakdown of the deck, because I am currently sick and can't be bothered to retype and re-evaluate all of the different tech I detailed in that description. Instead, I'm going to detail the information on what I cut and what I added as well as the why.
-1 D.D. Crow: The format isn't kind to this card currently. It's still a strong card and the attribute synergizes well, but top decks in MD just don't care about a single crow.
-1 Droll & Lock Bird: The attribute doesn't synergize, but it's still an incredibly strong floodgate of a card so it stays in.
-1 Vanquish Soul Jiaolong: Found it too bricky. Solid effect but too much effort and didn't come up as a necessity as often as I would think.
-1 Generaider Boss Quest: It's just not necessary when you have Vala, Seidhr of the Generaider Bosses.
-1 Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy: Meta Shifted. New Charmer.
-1 Rock of the Vanquisher: You never needed 3, so I dropped one for S:P Little Knight
+1 Crossout Designator: I can't believe I was running this deck with so many targets and just said "NAH!"
+2 Called by the Grave: I shouldn't have to explain this one.
+2 Dark Ruler No More: I grabbed this because I wanted a board breaker. You can choose a different one you like, but this was MY choice.
+1 Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze: Snake Eye dominance means this is the more relevant option over Dharc.
+1 S:P Little Knight: This requires no explanation. If you've seen this card in action, you know the why. If you haven't ever seen this card in play before and know a little bit of recent meta power cards, then your hint is "DPE".
Also yeah, you aren't mistaken, we went from 44 to 45. I won't start screaming until it goes to 46, but 45 still irritates even myself and if I could cut any of the engines down a little more, I would(Honestly, I probably could cut a Harr, Generaider Boss of Storms but then Vala, Seidhr of the Generaider Bosses is live less often so I keep him around at a full playset).
The deck's general strategy remains the same. You'll use the Generaider section primarily to assist your Vanquish Soul plays more than actually trying for huge power moves with the Generaider package I've installed into the deck. You're going for a more long game control style of play using the Vanquish Soul main package to bob and weave effects while outnumbering your opponent with grinding out card advantage and slowly whittling down the board. The Generaiders help by being only selected as the necessary attributes for the Vanquish Soul effects and don't feel horrible to run(Which is why we don't run Naglfar, Generaider Boss of Fire, Hela, Generaider Boss of Doom or Dovelgus, Generaider Boss of Iron). The only exception to the attribute rule was Mardel, Generaider Boss of Light because an easy search with a 2400 booty never hurt anyone, especially since he either baits an Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring(If Loptr, Shadow of the Generaider Bosses didn't already do that if he was your summoning method for him), Droll & Lock Bird, Effect Veiler or Infinite Impermanence.