The true draco cards are nonnegotiable. You must run 3 copies of all true draco spell and trap cards to make them consistent. The true draco monster cards can be flexed to meet your needs or the meta, but 8 tends to be enough. You can run metaverse in order to search drogonic heritage but I find it too slow for the meta. Demise and Pot of Duality are a must at 3 to ensure consistency. Pot of desire can be changed to any other card that boosts consistency, but I prefer to use pot of desires.
This is a hard going first deck. The strategy is simple, draw until you get get a floodgate and a negate, if you don't you get put in a very bad spot. Going second and not starting with a floodgate or a negate involve the same strategy. You use your true draco monsters to search for the spell to bait backrow and traps in order to bait negates or in order to disrupt the opponent.
What makes the deck powerful is the lack of a need to special summon and the powerful destruction effects of the true draco spell and trap cards in order to bait backrow or monster effects. That being said the counter to this deck is losing the coinflip, or the opponent having strong removal that does not destroy the backrow, such as their can only be one.