Monarchs; an old archetype that has been in the game since 2004, focuses on tribute summoning for powerful effects that affect the board and hand of the opponent. Not too long ago, they got legacy support with more spell cards, trap cards, a field spell, and a new set of "Mega Monarchs": Level 8 Monarchs that can be tribute summoned using a tribute summoned monster to get an effect stronger than their predecessors.
Lets start with our Normal summons: 3 Edea the Heavenly Squire, 3 Eidos the Underworld Squire, and 2 Proof of Pruflas. Edea is a Level 1 monster that pulls another monster with 800 ATK and 1000 DEF from your deck. Eidos, is a Level 2 monster with 800 ATK/1000 DEF that allows you to immediately tribute summon a monster from hand when its summoned, doesn't matter if you normal or special summoned it. And then their Proof of Pruflas, a Level 3 special summon as long as you don't control a special summoned monster yourself. You can also immediately tribute summon a monster when its summoned, for an easy Monarch or Fiend!
Now our Tribute summons! These are the reason why we play the deck in the first place. We got 3 Erebus the Underworld Monarch, 3 Ehther the Heavenly Monarch, 1 Thestalos the Mega Monarch, 1 Kuraz the Light Monarch, and 2 Majesty's Fiend. Erebus and Ehther both send 2 Monarch Spell/Traps to activate their respective effects. Erebus sends any 1 card your opponent controls back into their deck. Can be from the field or GY. Ehther allows you to special summon a Monarch or Fiend from your deck, but you gotta return it to your hand in the end phase. Thestalos allows you to send a card from your opponent's hand to the GY, and you deal burn damage if the card sent was a monster and its based on its level. Kuraz pops up to any 2 cards on the field and then players draw 1 card for each card they control got popped by this effect. Note that Kuraz is one of the only Monarchs that can activate their effect on a special summon as well, but can't attack the turn its summoned. And then we got Majesty's Fiend, a Level 6 monster that can't be special summoned and prevents both players from activating their monsters' effects. It is without a doubt one of the best single tribute card you can throw in this deck. I previously had Vanity's Fiend in the deck, but Majesty's basically does the same thing.
Our spell and trap lineup now! These are what keeps the deck churning. We got 1 Foolish Burial, 1 Reinforcement of the Army, 1 One for One, 3 Tenacity of the Monarchs, 3 Pantheism of the Monarchs, 3 The Monarchs Stormforth, 3 Domain of the True Monarchs, 2 March of the Monarchs, 2 Return of the Monarchs, 1 Frost Blast of the Monarchs, and 2 The Prime Monarch. Foolish Burial, RotA, and One for One are obviously the generically good one-ofs that literally serve the purpose of either putting a Monarch or Monarch spell/trap into the GY for their GY effect or to Put Edei either on the field or into your hand, therefore starting your chain. Tenacity of the Monarchs is a Monarch spell/trap search as long as you have a Monarch in your hand to reveal. This card is a reason why we aren't running Terraforming for the field spell. Pantheism is a Pot of Greed as long as you have a Monarch spell/trap to discard and has a GY effect to reveal 3 Monarch spell/traps from your hand and your opponent selects one to add to your hand (Woo, another way to grab the field spell!) Monarchs Stormforth is a Quick-Play that allows you to tribute an opponent's monster for your Monarchs. Domain of the True Monarchs is our field spell and big payoff for playing the deck. It allows your Mega Monarchs (the Level 8 ones) to have their level lowered by 2, so they can be tribute summoned with a single monster! Anyways, the main effect we care about is if we are the only ones that control a tribute summoned monster and we don't have an extra deck, our opponent can't summon monsters from the extra deck. That is by far the strongest card in our deck that isn't Majesty's Fiend. March of the Monarchs prevents our tribute summoned monsters from being targeted and destroyed by card effects. Note that it doesn't mention Monarchs, it mentions tribute summoned monsters, so it gives protection to Majesty's as well! Return of the Monarchs is a search for a monster with 2400 ATK/1000 DEF or 2800 ATK/1000 DEF if you tribute summon a monster. Also note that Majesty's Fiend is 2400 ATK/1000 DEF so it can be searched with this card too! Frost Blast of the Monarchs is a pop for a set card on the field if we control any Monarch or Fiend, and has the GY effect to banish itself and another Monarch spell/trap to pop another set card. The Prime Monarch is a continuous trap that allows us to shuffle 2 Monarch spell/traps from the GY back into your deck and draw 1 card after. While its in the GY, you can banish another Monarch spell/trap to summon it as a Level 5 monster. More tribute fodder always helps the deck!
That's it for the deck honestly! You can put in any hand traps you might need or put in other Monarch spell/traps, like the one that allows you to tribute summon once during your opponent's turn. This deck is a little heavy on the SRs and URs, but it makes up for it by not needing to run an extra deck. Have fun not allowing your opponent to play turn 1!