Hello this is my Master Duel @Ignister deck profile. I reached plat 1 with it. I'll go over the basic combo + end board. The basic endboard is basically, a 4k Arrival Cyberse + an unaffected Cyberse Quantum Dragon. How to get there through a 1 card combo: Normal summon Achichi --> add Pikari Link achichi for Infant --> Infant adds AI Land Activate AI Land --> summon pikari through AI land Pikari adds AI meet you --> activate ai meet you AI meet you adds Doyon --> Link Pikari and Infant for Cyberse Wicckid Activate AI Land to summon Doyon to a zone Wicckid points to --> CL1 Doyon, CL2 Wicckid. Doyon adds back the monster you've normal summoned, which in our case is Achichi. Wicckid banishes Infant and adds us Bururu. --> Link of Doyon + Wicckid for Transcode Talker --> activate AI land and summon Bururu, you must avoid the zone Transcode Talker points to, since we're using Transcode Talker's effect --> Bururu sends Gatchiri to the GY --> Transcode Talker activates its effect to summon back Wicckid --> Link the 3 units away for Dark Templar --> Activate AI land yet again to summon Achichi -->link away Achichi for Infant, Infant must be summoned to the left most zone of Templar --> activate Templar's effect, CL1 Templar, CL2 Infant --> Change Infant's attribute to Divine and summon three units through Templar's effect --> The three units you will be summoning are: Achichi, Bururu, Pikari, --> Synchro summon, Pikari + Bururu for Cyberse Quantum Dragon --> Activate Bururu's effect to summon back Pikari --> Link Achichi + Pikari for Splash Mage --> Activate Splash mage's effect to summon Gatchiri --> Make Arrival Cyberse with every unit except for Cyberse Quantum Dragon --> Activate Gatchiri effect targetting Cyberse Quantum Dragon to make him unaffected by your opponent's card effects till the end of their turn So, now we have 2 unaffected units, one of them protecting the other. If your opponent attacks Cyberse Quantum Dragon (which they must in order to out Arrival Cyberse) you can activate it's effect to bounce back that monster. This is basically not outable in Master Duel, since the only popular counter are Kaiju's and nobody runs Kaiju's in a 1 game format. I run 1 Crossout Designator as well as 2 Called by the Graves to out possible hadntraps. The limitation on Crossout in Master Duel is super annoying. I've considered running Sauravis as a replacement for atleast Veiler/Imperm, but I do not think it's worth it.
Pros and Cons Pros deck: -Very easy to OTK -Good end board -Unexpected, not many people know what @Ignisters do. I had tons of people try and out the unaffected Cyberse Quantum Dragon through stuff like Raigeki, which obviously does not work, but since people don't know what @ignisters do and don't read cards, it's basically a free win. -Genuinely fun to play Cons: -Susceptible to handtraps especially Nibiru, that's why the Crossout's + Called by's are so important.