This deck uses the Super Polymerization package to get more consistency and also protect better against some meta decks.
The core deck engine is very tight, and with the addition of Trickstar Aqua Angel we can play through some handtraps and some boards with many negates.We'll always try to get Trickstar Aqua Angel as soon as possible on field to get information from opponent hand. This will avoid us going into a Nibiru or similar strategies, or even changing our combo line depending on what the opponent has.
This deck has some one-card combos. Namely, 9 of them (Blue Tang, Aqua Angel and Sea Horse) can get the game started by themselves. You can count 10 if you consider Trickstar Light Stage as a proxy 4th Aqua Angel.
Odds of starting with 1 or more going 1 first (10 One-Card Combos): ~77%
In sum, you'll nearly always open with at least 1 in hand.
Marincess has also a nice set of extenders. Namely, 7 cards are pure extenders, plus 6 that can act as one if you open multiple copies (Aqua Angel and Sea Horse). Marincess Dive also acts as one, but depends on setting up.
Tech Cards:
2x Called by The Grave
1x Crossout Designator
We are playing these for trying to get through the opening handtraps, more specifically Maxx C and Effect Veiler, both of which can kill the deck. Ash Blossom is a nuisance, but depending on where the opponent activates it, the deck can still go on with a different combo line. That's why we are playing a Veiler for Crossout, and if he comes in hand, it's not bad either.
Playing 41 Cards, we'll open at least 1 of these 33% (or one third) of the time.
2x Lightning Storm
Simply a good card for going second. If you can get rid or monsters or backrow, whatever comes in handy, it's simply good.
2x Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord
This card acts a Delinquent Duo when summoned, and since Marincess has a great control of its graveyard both by banishing, summoning through the field spell card and by Marincess Coral Anemone, you can nearly certain meet its requirement for summoning. It is strong enough to win you games with its discard effect, and is somewhat big for beatdown.
3x Super Polymerization
1x Garura, Wings of Resonant Life
1x Mudragon of the Swamp
One of the strongest packages in the game in my opinion. Superpoly cannot be responded, and its cost is not necessarily a bad thing since Marincess uses the graveyard a lot. Mudragon offers good protection (it's already water attribute). Both Mudragon and Garura can deal with a good amount of metadecks endboards, and the opponent cannot do much about it.
1x Marincess Wave
Good card to combo with with Marincess Coral Triangle, and can come handy with its board protection against effect. It's not hard to search so playing more than 1 seems a bit too much, and can be a brick too.
2x Marincess Sleepy Maiden
Excelent extender and also offer protections for your field spell card, which makes your opponent need to go through two disruptions to get to your stablished tower monster.
The Game Winners:
1x Marincess Aqua Argonaut
1x Marincess Great Bubble Reef
1x Worldsea Dragon Zealantis
Most of wins will come out of these three cards. Argonaut has both a bounce effect (in your turn) and Spell/Trap negate in both turns. Bubble Reef can generate great card advantage each Standby Phase, and her reborn effect can make you go for game too.
Zealantis is our strongest option going second. Playing with Marincess Blue Slug lock (which locks you into water monster), it can basically clean any monster board you opponent have, and even set up a possible OTK or at least give you great advantage for follow up.
Tips for begginers:
- The usual combo line going first ends up with Marincess Aqua Argonaut, going though Marincess Crystal Heart for protection with the field spell card.
- The usual combo line going second is to play into Marincess Blue Slug (for locking you into water monsters) and ending on Worldsea Dragon Zealantis, for cleaning the opponent field and getting your field stablished.
- As soon as you get Trickstar Aqua Angel to get information of your opponents cards the better.
- Do not forget to use Trickstar Light Stage second effect to seal an opponent set card.
- Do not forget Trickstart Aqua Angel is also a Marincess monster, and that her effects are once per duel.
- Marincess Sleepy Maiden can be activated on spell cards, such as the field spell, not just on monsters.
- Mudragon of the Swamp does not need to be activated, since he's already a water monster, on the risk of being negated and destroyed.
Some insteresting cards to explore:
Cyberse Desavewurm
Can be made using your monsters with Superpoly, offers protection from you graveyard for you link-4 monsters, which is usually what you are playing for endboard.
Cynet Mining
Quite obvious, although I think sometimes its more of an brick.
Thanks for reading.