With the lighter restrictions the Master Duel banlist affords us pendulum Players, Magicians are a force to be reckoned with. Not only is Electrumite legal but we also have access to Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom, so if you want to go for a pesky FTK then its fully possible.
With the exception of 2 Astrograph, 2 Chronograph, 2 Double Iris, a Darkwurm and a Harmonizing all of the cards which made Pendulum Magicians Tier one back in 2017-2018 is here, only one Double Iris hurts and the more Sorcerers legal the better but compared to the TCG this deck is far stronger.
The main aim of this deck is to get out Electrumite pre-Pend summon and win from there. Selene lets us play around Nibiru and aside from Droll, most common handtraps are nothing but a annoyance, sometimes Nibiru against a bad hand could end it or gamma on the Electrumite but as soon as Electrumite resolves we're most likely winning and thanks to the FTK potential you can even just ignore Maxx "C" unless your opponent draws into another handtrap or more so is best to ash/call it anyway.
This build is more geared towards going first for the FTK but if you want to cut the FTK package then maybe consider adding in a few boardbreakers like Evenly or DRNM.
One thought i had in i think a single Dragonpit Magician in here somewhere to out Skill Drain Exactly couldn't hurt but I'm not quite sure what to cut, possibly the Time Pendulumgraph since we only have one Double Iris and we aren't planning on going into the grindgame or even going past turn one if we can help it, although Time Pendulumgraph alsoouts Skill Drain so I'm 50/50 on that one