Malefic alone aren't the best because while they can spam buff monsters in the blink of an eye, they don't do anything else. so, I added adventure engine as just a quick way to get a negate, added ash blossom, skill drain becaus it lets you spam Malefics and hurts your opponent. This is the most efficient Malefic deck Ive played, able to generally end up with up to three negates and a buff 4000/4000 or two out on your field turn one. But it still needs some fine tuning.
Gizmek Naganaki can tribute itself to summon Paradox gear from the deck, Paradox gear can then tribute itself to summon paralell gear and add Malefic stardust dragon to your hand, then, use both those Malefics for Baronne De Fleur for a negate, or Dragocytos for another buff attacker. Or add Raradigm dragon/Malefic cyber end dragon to go into Geomathmech final sigma.