The deck is pretty straightforward and it aims for maximum consistency.
The prime goal is to summon either dark magician using eternal soul or navigation and/or magician of chaos using ritual spells and the impcantation monsters and combine their power with the dark magic circle and soul eternal to banish and destroy your opponent's game.
With 3 magician's rod, 3 apprentice illusion and 3 circles these cards get decently searchable. I also use upstart goblin and pot of extravagance as I dont rely on the extra deck that much and pot of desires would not be adequate to this deck. There's also monster reborn in case eternal soul's terrible downside makes you lose a powerful monster.
I use timaues even that I am aware of its limitations because the dragon knight protects eternal soul. Youll also find some other handy cards in the extra deck such as big eye and ebon illusion magician.
In the side deck I just added some other archetype cards that I experimented with and that you can use with decent results but I kept out of the main deck in order to maximize consistency.