Also one of the underrated decks of 2020 ,altough it has some huge potential and can make crazy boards by it self ,and thats exactlly what I'm gonna talk about today.
So madolche ,the sugar of yugioh, which affects its opponent with diabetes.
Today I'm gonna show you some combos and boards this deck is able to pull.
The first combo I'm gonnaa show you is : It's basically a one card combo , if you have madolche magileine in your hand normal summon her then acc her eff to search petingcessoeur then acc her eff to special summon it self then he second eff will trriger which will let you special summon one madolche monster ,the one you want to summon is puddingcess,then use magileine and puddingcess as materials for madolche teacher glassouffle after that detach magileine and use her first (protection) eff but you dont want to acc the second eff bc we gonna need it for later on . Now what you want to do is to use her as material for madolche puddingcess chocolat - a - la mode , acc her first eff to target one monster in the gy to shuffle back in the deck then detach glasssouffle to acc her second eff and special summon anjelly then acc her eff which will dump her in the gy and the summon hootcake ,then acc his eff to target glassouffle in the gy to special summon messengelato from the deck then acc his eff to serch for chetau acc it ,it will trigger his eff to shuffle the monsters from your gy back in the deck then acc chocolate -a-la- modes eff and special summon another messengelato now acc his eff to add ticket acc ticket , now using messengelato petingcessoeur to make glassouffle ,now use the other messengelato and chocolate to make fresh sistart and now you can finally acc the eff of glassoufle to shuffle back massengelato and puddingcess and then special summon another massengelato and take promenade to your hand set it then pass the turn,but one thing make sure that hootcake is linked with fresh sistar.
Now the sphere mode otk combo : lets say youre second and sphere mode your opponent ,now if you have puddingcessoeur summon her special summon puddingcess then overly those two for glassouffle ,then detach puddincessoeur now go into chocolate using glassouffle as material acc her eff to shuffle back puddingcessoeur now dettach glassouffle to special summon anjelly then her eef to special summon hootcake ,acc hootcakes eff banish glassouffle special summon messengelato - eff add cheteau acc it shuffle your gy back to the deck , now aac chocolates eff to summon the second messengelato - eff add salon acc salon ,now overlay the two messengelatos for queen detach a material from queen shuffle your into the deck again now use salon to target the sphere mode now the eff of salon triggers then set ticket acc it now make a chocolate using the queen now attack for game but if you need some more damage then go straight into ticket summon messengelato and then set promenade just for the case .
This deck has so many combos to do ,but for now I'll give you this two .
Have fun with the deck.