You know how Hand traps can get annoying? You can plan for the opponent's monsters or break them!Rather than stop from the board from being built, break the board? My solution is to use Kaijus!
I've always wanted to build a kaiju deck since I started the game and revisit classic archetypes like Mahines, so this suits ms needs. Unfortunately, Machines are a complex pile deck that focus on salvaging machines from the graveyard with lots of good recursion. They are a combination heavy deck that rewards practice and repetitive deck interactions beginning in 2009 with Machinas in the GX era. I cannot emphasize this enough, but this is as close to modern YuGiOh as I can get with an opening turn that can last a few minutes due to the high number of combinations that warrant an entire primer for myself to review.
Machines: Rebuild from the field and Graveyard into bigger and bigger creatures. Tank Damage and Attack.
This budget variant’s archetypes includes Machinas, Infinitracks, Trains, Gears, and Kaijus. The 7 card Kaiju Package should be replaced with 3 Ash Blossoms and 3 Forbidden Drops and 1 Rivalry of Warlord/Gozen Match for better consistency, except those 7 cards will cost about $270-$400 (which certainly breaks a budget deck)
Note that if you start one of the engines (Machina or Infinitrack) you should exert all the resources in that engine in the main and extra deck, with the exception of the trap card Machina Overdrive
Machina Route: Most consistent, setting up the graveyard and board for you.
3x Redeployment, 3x Gearframe, 1x Citadel, 1x Fortress, 1 Ruinforce, 2x Overdrive, 1x Unclaspare, 1x Ancient Gear Box
Normal summon Gearframe: Search for Unclaspare. Unclaspare effect; send Ruinforce, Fortress, or Citadel to GY.
Ruinforce=(recursive OTK card needs 12 levels to Special Summon)Fortress (If a machine can get destroyed), Citadel (if you have big machine in hand and can special summon from the Extra Deck or scared of monster effects)
Machina Gearframe can also attach to other machines to protect them from destruction at your hand or opponents. Run 3.
Rank Machina Gearframe + Machina Unclaspare: Special Summon Gear Gigant X. Gear Gigant X effect: Detach 1 and add Ancient Gear Box (or another Gearframe)
Ancient Gear Box Effect: Find the Infinitrack Engine (tuneller/trencher): Link 1 Ancient Gear Ballista effect/Rank 5
Infinitrack Route: 2-3 Harvesters, 1 trencher, 1 tunneler, 1-2 Dozers. 2-3 Heavy Forwards. (add Anchor Drill?)
With 500 atk/Def, get out Tuneller/Trencher just to keep building the board bigger and higher.
Inifinitracks are the best on your second turn to get the OTK. Harvester Can easily mesh with another creature to special summon a bigger XYZ monster. Worst Case scenario is that you open poorly or you get Ash Blossomed so you must normal summon a machine and use Infinitracks as a tribute special summon to build a bigger board. Best case scenario is that you open with Infinitrack Harvester (the most expensive card in the budget deck at a whopping $4.5!), normal summon it to add any other infinitrack card to hand and start building up your board for next turn. Note that opening them by themselves requires you to Link summon (e.g. Goliath).
2x Rank 5’s; Get Infinitrack River Stormer. Stormer effect find ANY machine: Link Away River Stormer to Infinitrack Goliath. Tribute Goliath, special summon Stormer, add Goliath to Stomer as material. Go again next turn.
Train Engine: Good All-Around Support for a Machine Deck. Helps the Machina Engine, Gets Rank 10 XYZ monsters.
2x Switchyards just to get a better opening hand, 1x Super Bullet Express, 1x Night Express Knight, 1x Heavy Freight Train Derricrane, (add Flying Pegasus Railroad Stampede?)
This deck can blow through common handtraps such as Nibiru and Floodgates such as There Can Be Only 1/Artifact Scythe Lock (use Ruinforce or Citadel ASAP) but be scared of Ash Blossom and kill Thunder King Rai-Oh on sight.
This deck can also push through a Necrovalley Graveyard Lock, although it certainly limits some options.
Kaiju Package: Generically helpful stuff. 2x Uninterrupted Kaiju Slumbers because your stuff can recur itself, 5 Kaijus including 3x Jizukirus (lvl 10 machines for Machina/Train Engine) and 2 random Kaijus just in case
Extra Deck Tech: Rank 4: Gear Gigant X; use one time to get level 4’s out, see Machina section.
Rank 5: Infinitrack River Stormer/Goliath Combo.Loop.
Chronomally Vinama is used as Backup for 2nd ability to negate a monster effect. (takes place of 1 Goliath)
Link 2: Ancient Gear Ballista: Find Ancient Gear Box, Quiliport Genius, Knuckle (all good toolbox stuff).
Side Deck: The typical package of Spell/Trap Removal. 3x Dimensional Barrier Like cards. 1 Pankrytops because this deck doesn’t have many creatures swarming the Board. Maybe Shared Ride for Card Advantage, maybe D.D. Crow. TTT?
Spice Tech is 2x Ghost Sister and Spooky Dogwood to gain life ASAP because this deck will likely tank a lot of damage if you’re not too careful. If you get Ash Blossoms or Forbidden Droplets, feel free to side out the Kaijus,