You may be looking at this list and thinking that this guy is insane. I am but combining the subpar Roids and the competent Machinas has actually been pretty fun.
The main starter is either Gearframe or Redeployment (To search Gearframe), searching Unclaspare to dump a Machina while going into Gigant to search typically a Roid. From there you kind of just say good luck. The deck mostly wants to utilize the combination of Machinas and Roids to generate resources, get some fusions in, and hit hard. The Roids definetely do hurt the Machina part more than help, but the deck has a couple of neat interactions that can actually snag a few games. Despite everything, Machinas are able to help with constant field presence and interruption (Citadel) while helping with big numbers and access to big Rank 10s. The Roids can actually pull of neat plays in their own right as well, Mixeroid can help facilitate rank 4 plays, Dragonroid adds consistency, and Express can help recoup recources and lead into fusion via adding back discarded materials. The deck is pretty simple and is 100% not going to have any chance against the meta, but it's a pretty fun deck to mess around with if you have a soft spot for Roids.
Funny Stuff- Dragonroid can help facilitate constant materials to summon Ruinforce by being Level 9 and being easily discardable for Roid searches. Having a Mobile Base on board is good for having a massive body, but also can lead to an easy Rank 10 play. Megaroid City's search effect can help trigger Citadel if you pop an EARTH machine for cost, it's a neat combo. Mixeroids second effect combined with the massive amount of machines that end up in grave can clutch games, it's a funny card. Since Vehicroid Connection Zone prevents destruction, you can target a fusion summoned with Connection Zone with Citadel to nuke the field without loosing your fusion (This same logic applies with Overdrive because the pop effect isnt cost)
Other Stuff- You can alter the build to stray away from fusions adding in different roids like Armoroid to fuel Fortress and to make way for more generic staples. You can swap out Submarineroid and Steamroid for Stealthroid and Truckroid to make the main fusion Stealth Union, you can also remove Jumbo Drill for another Extra Deck slot. Honestly its probably the better option giving you access to equip removal, but I like the Drill because its funny.
Added Springans to add a single negate via Regulus plus getting more big bodies. Also if you target Gearframe with Regulus you can use Gearframe effect to Special Summonn it from backrow. You can do it...i guess.
Good Luck and Have Fun playing Machina Roids.