I don't have MUCH to say about this deck. It's fairly straightforward. just know that your win conditions are ENTIRELY in the extra deck:
- fat, 10k damage with utopia package
- IP Masq into Mekk Knight
- any level 8s into Hope Harbringer
- Charging Gaia + E-Tele -> ZE Amin is your ONLY real way to get into Baronne so look out for it
you have enough fat damage that all you really need is Dark Ruler and Evenly Matched for some board breaking, but you might get trounced by a random Ash Blossom. so be ready to maybe swap out Dark Ruler for Called By if you need em, and maybe your Evenly Matched(s) for some Imperms since you don't have a lot of negates.
that said, this deck is extremely fun to play with and it'll throw down with the best of em!
note: Star Eater ain't a GREAT choice but there's not a lot of solid lvl 11 synchros:
- PUNK Amazing Dragon is nice, but you dont have a lot of different level 3 tuners so it's not useful.
- Psychic End Punisher is strong as a comeback play, but it's not AS effective cause you're not burning yourself as much as PUNK usually wants you to. plus you don't want to banish your stuff much ; - ;
the rest are kind of archetype specific. so uhhh, I personally choose Star Eater.