Today in the world of Duel Monsters, we're going to learn how to be an obnoxious piece of trash without the use of current Meta decks, Inzektors, or Toadally Awesome. Instead, we're going to unleash a barrage of Direct Attacks and prevent our opponent from stopping it with violence.
This profile is going to be short and sweet, because there are only 2 types of cards in this deck: Monsters that attack directly, and Traps that prevent or punish your opponent for attacking.
There are slight differences in what each card does, and that's what we'll be covering here.
Let's start with the Monsters. Each monster has some sort of unique effect that pops when it successfully deals direct damage. Reminder that each monster can attack directly. Altergeist Meluseek sends 1 of your opponent's cards to the Graveyard. Drill Barnacle & Raging Flame Sprite each gain 1000 ATK upon successfully dealing damage, with the only difference between the two being their base ATK power. Submarineroid and Performapal Swincobra can switch to DEF position after their attack. Ventdra The Empowered Warrior has an effect, but it has no function with this deck's monster setup, and requires 1 Tribute to Summon.
Now let's cover the backrow. The only Spell in the deck is Swords Of Revealing Light, which prevents your opponent from attacking for 3 of their turns. Dimension Wall and Magic Cylinder both function the same; bouncing Battle Damage back at the attacker. Be mindful that Dimension Wall does not negate an attack the same way that Magic Cylinder does, just the damage. Save this one for Direct Attacks if possible, your monster can still be destroyed from Battle even after a successful use of this card. Negate Attack and Waboku are basically the same thing and end the Battle Phase. Waboku technically doesn't end the Battle Phase, but your monsters cannot be destroyed and you take no damage, so it might as well just end the Battle Phase. Lastly, the deadly Forces. Regular ol' Mirror Force, Quaking Mirror Force, and Storming Mirror Force all punish your opponent's attack position monsters in a different way. Mirror destroys them, Quaking flips them face down and locks them there, and Storming sends them back to the hand. While we're still talking about the back row, there's one more trick you can do. Performapal Swincobra is a Pendulum Monster and can be set in the Pendulum Zone, activating the effect of sending the top card of your opponent's deck to the Graveyard when Battle Damage is inflicted to your opponent. This can occur once per turn. Placing Performapal Swincobra in the Pendulum Zone is the recommended way to use this monster.
Oh yeah, you have 2 Dust Tornadoes to deal with a couple of things your opponent may or may not do. Use them wisely.
Although this deck is extremely annoying and generally sucks the fun out of dueling, it is not invincible by any means. Blocking Direct Attacks and effect destruction are this decks worst nightmare, as there is no Graveyard support for this setup. I haven't actually played this deck in real life yet, as of now it exists in the Legacy Of The Duelist video games and is used when facing an opponent who is as aggravating as this deck is. If you are a troll however, you might have some fun with this one, it's quite ridiculous my friend.
Feel free to share any ideas or strategies you may have and I'll look into them.
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