Nemleria is a deck that once I heard the general theme of, I knew I had to have it. Starring the adorable Dreaming Nemleria, this deck utilizes it's ability to banish it's Extra Deck face down to summon big stompy dream monsters and eventually use Nemleria to wipe the board to go for game!
The star of the show allows us to fetch our Tower, which is our way to search out Reveil & one of the other Beasts, and set up our Louve Trap to give is a non-targeting book of moon on a big cake monster!! We also bring Eater of Millions to empty our Extra Deck, bringing the Dream Tower crashing down and awakening the sleeping princess. Nemleria on Special Summon can banish 5 cards from field or grave at non-targeting level, so she pretty much clears the way for any of our threats to stampede on in.
Because we absolutely love banishing stuff, we also pack a nice little Gren Maju package. the Gizmek, Pots, and Dimension Shifter are great ways to add to our Gren Maju, who after an Eater/Nemleria combo can almost always clean up no problem. Our few staples are there to round out the strategy and help control our opponent for an win before we rest.
The only Extra Deck cards that could matter are the Charmers, Anima, and the Railgun. Most often however, we just let Nemleria nap on it until we use it as a resource, so you can literally put whatever in there.
Side deck is a blend of control pieces and Kaijus. Summon Limit and our hand traps can bring plans to a screeching halt, while the Kaijus and Golem stop towers. Nibiru is fun for those darn Floo decks, and a great way to clear some crazy summoning combo board. The rest is just good staples for going second.