Legendary Knights + Flower Cardian strategy
- Cardian cards are the draw engine --> to trim the Deck leaving only essential Legendary Dragon/Knight cards to increase their probability to be drawn in Normal Draw.
- Hopefully, Legendary Dragon cards with different names would be sent to GY by some Cardians' draw tradeoff --> further trimming the Deck from cards that should not be in the Deck.
- Would be sad if Legend of Heart is sent to GY this way, tho hopefully it's a rare case.
- True trimming goal is to trim until deck size so low that drawing Legend of Heart in Normal Draw has high probability.
- Cardian cards that's been out of the deck through drawing could be used to swarm the field and also summon strong Synchro Monster(s) from Extra Deck. They're not wasted.
- They also function as Warrior fodder for Legend of Heart tribute.